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QNX® Momentics® 6.3.0 Intel IXDP2800 BSP 1.0.0 Installation Note

QNX® Momentics® 6.3.0

Date of this edition: December 09, 2004

Target OS: QNX® Neutrino® 6.3.0

Host OS: Microsoft Windows XP SP1 or SP2; Microsoft Windows 2000 SP4; Linux (Red Hat 8/9)

NOTE: For the latest information about this BSP, see the online release notes (log into your myQNX account, and then go to the Download Center area of www.qnx.com).


NOTE: If you need to modify the serial driver, you'll need to install the QNX Momentics Character Driver Development Kit (DDK).

Installing this BSP

NOTE: Your QNX Momentics product license entitles you to download and install binary BSP components. Note that you'll need to enter a license for each BSP -- these licenses are posted on the website.

To obtain the source components for a BSP, you must purchase a BSP Source License.

On a Windows host

NOTE: If you've installed QNX Momentics versions 6.2.1 and 6.3.0 so that they coexist on your Windows host, please note:
  • You can't install a 6.3.0 TDK or BSP when the active version is QNX Momentics 6.2.1; set your configuration to 6.3.0.
  • If you switch from 6.2.1 to 6.3.0, you may have to log out of your user session and log back in before installing 6.3.0 BSPs and TDKs.

  1. Log in as a user with system-administrator privileges.
  2. Log into your myQNX account on our website, and then go to the Download Center.
  3. Download the BSP package, bsp-ixdp2800-6.3.0-nnnnnnnnnnn-win32.exe, where nnnnnnnnnnn is an 11-digit build number. The BSP package is in the form of an executable (.exe) file.
  4. Double-click the file in Windows Explorer or run it at the command line.
  5. Follow the instructions provided by InstallShield.

NOTE: The procedure for building BSPs has changed since QNX Momentics 6.2.1. For instance, you must now run the . ./setenv.sh script before compiling your BSP source. For details, see the chapter "Working with a BSP" in the Building Embedded Systems manual (in the Documentation Roadmap page under the QNX Neutrino RTOS section).

Note that on a Windows host, you must run the Bash shell (bash.exe) before you can compile BSP source.

On a Linux host

  1. Log in as root.
  2. Log into your myQNX account on our website, and then go to the Download Center.
  3. Download the BSP package, bsp-ixdp2800-6.3.0-nnnnnnnnnnn-linux.bin, where nnnnnnnnnnn is an 11-digit build number. The BSP package is in the form of a .bin script.
  4. Run chmod to make the script executable. For example:
    chmod a+x bsp-intel-ixdp2800-6.3.0-nnnnnnnnnnn-linux.bin
  5. Run the script at the system prompt. For example:
  6. Follow the instructions provided by InstallShield.

NOTE: The procedure for building BSPs has changed since QNX Momentics 6.2.1. For instance, you must now run the . ./setenv.sh script before compiling your BSP source. For details, see the chapter "Working with a BSP" in the Building Embedded Systems manual (in the Documentation Roadmap page under the QNX Neutrino RTOS section).

Uninstalling this BSP

On a Windows host

  1. Log in as a user with system-administrator privileges.
  2. Open the Control Panel (e.g. on Windows 2000: Start-->Settings-->Control Panel).
  3. Select Add or Remove Programs.
  4. Select the BSP package, then click the Remove button.

On a Linux host

  1. Log in as root.
  2. Go to the $QNX_TARGET/_uninstall/Intel_IXDP2800_ARM_BSP directory.
  3. Start the QNX InstallShield application:

    InstallShield will now remove the BSP.

Location of source and documentation

When you install this BSP, you'll find the source code and documentation in the following locations:

Windows hosts

Component Location
Source code $QNX_TARGET\usr\src\archives\qnx\ixdp2800.zip
Documentation $QNX_TARGET\usr\help\product\bsp_intel_ixdp2800
Release notes $QNX_TARGET\etc\readme\bsp

  • To extract the source from the archive, use any application that supports the ZIP format (e.g. WinZIP). For more information, see the chapter "Working with a BSP" in the Building Embedded Systems manual.
  • The "roadmap" page (e.g. from the Windows XP start menu: All Programs-->QNX Momentics 6.3.0-->Documentation) contains links to the various HTML booksets that accompany the OS: System Architecture, Programmer's Guide, Library Reference, Utilities Reference, etc..

Linux hosts

Component Location
Source code $QNX_TARGET/usr/src/archives/qnx/ixdp2800.zip
Documentation $QNX_TARGET/usr/help/product/bsp_intel_ixdp2800
Release notes $QNX_TARGET/etc/readme/bsp

Binaries, buildfiles, IPLs, and other files

You'll find these files in these locations:

Windows hosts

File Location
Buildfile $QNX_TARGET\armbe\boot\build
IPL and/or startup $QNX_TARGET\armbe\boot\sys
"bin" drivers (serial, flash, block, PCI, PCMCIA, USB) $QNX_TARGET\armbe\bin
"dll" drivers (audio, graphics, network) $QNX_TARGET\armbe\lib\dll

Linux hosts

File Location
Buildfile $QNX_TARGET/cpu/boot/build
IPL and/or startup $QNX_TARGET/cpu/boot/sys
"bin" drivers (serial, flash, block, PCI, PCMCIA, USB) $QNX_TARGET/cpu/bin
"dll" drivers (audio, graphics, network) $QNX_TARGET/cpu/lib/dll

Technical support

If you have any questions, comments, or problems with a QNX product, please contact Technical Support. For more information, see the How to Get Help chapter of the Welcome to QNX Momentics guide or visit our website, www.qnx.com.