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QNX ® Momentics® 6.3.0 SP1 IBM PPC440 BSP 1.0.0 Patch 86 Release Notes

QNX® Momentics® 6.3.0 SP1

Date of this edition: June 21, 2005

Target OS: QNX® Neutrino® 6.3.0 SP1

Host OS: Microsoft Windows XP SP1 or SP2, 2000 SP4, or NT SP6a; Sun Solaris 7, 8; QNX® Neutrino® 6.3.0 SP1; Linux Red Hat 8, 9

  • For information on installing this patch, see the installation note.
  • For the most up-to-date version of these release notes, log into your myQNX account, and then go to the Download Center area of www.qnx.com.


Note: Throughout this document, you may see reference numbers associated with particular issues, changes, etc. When corresponding with our Technical Support staff about a given issue, please quote the relevant reference number. You might also find the reference numbers useful for tracking issues as they become fixed.

What's in this patch?


This patch contains a IBM PPC440 BSP 1.0.0 binary update to the following:

  • startup-440rb

Installed files

This file is installed under $QNX_TARGET, under the PPCBE subdirectories:

  • ppcbe/boot/sys/startup-440rb

Fixed issues

This patch addresses the following issues:

This patch is required if you're using the startup code binary provided with the IBM PPC440 BSP 1.0.0. If you've generated your own startup binary based on the source code provided with that BSP, you don't require this patch. If you're experiencing difficulties booting the board with the startup binary, you should use this patch.

Known issues

  • None at this time.

Technical support

If you have any questions, comments, or problems with a QNX product, please contact Technical Support. For more information, see the How to Get Help chapter of the Welcome to QNX Momentics guide or visit our website, www.qnx.com.