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QNX® Sound Driver for iPod Digital Audio Devices (Patch 1154) Release Notes

QNX® Sound Driver for iPod Digital Audio Devices

Date of this edition: October 30, 2008

Target OS: QNX® Neutrino®6.4.0 or later.

Host OS: You must have already installed the QNX® Momentics® development suite 6.4.0 as a self-hosted QNX Neutrino system, or on one of the following hosts:

Version of QNX Momentics Microsoft Windows Linux
6.4.0 Windows Vista, Vista 64-bit, XP SP2 or SP3, or 2000 SP4 Linux Red Hat Enterprise Workstation 4 or 5, Red Hat Enterprise Server 5.1 64-bit, Red Hat Fedora Core 6 or 7, Ubuntu 6.0.6 LTS or 7, or SUSE 10

Required software

This patch is intended for use with the QNX Aviage Multimedia Suite 1.1.0. To use the capabilities provided by this patch, you must have the QNX Aviage Multimedia Core 1.1.0 and the QNX Aviage Multimedia Interface for iPod 1.1.0 installed on your system.

Note: For the most up-to-date version of these notes, go to our website (www.qnx.com), log into your myQNX account, then go to the Download Center.


Throughout this document, you may see reference numbers associated with particular issues, changes, etc. When corresponding with our Technical Support staff about a given issue, please quote the relevant reference number. You might also find the reference numbers useful for tracking issues as they become fixed.

What's in this file?

The main archive, patch-632-1154-1-wire-640.tar, contains:

  • deva-ctrl-ipod.so, the binary for the QNX Sound driver for iPod digital audio devices.

The deva-ctrl-ipod.so binary is required by the Aviage MME Suite to support USB transport connections to iPods (“one-wire” connections). For information about using iPod devices with the MME, see the MME Developer's Guide and the MME Utilities Reference provided with the Aviage Multimedia core installation.

Technical support

If you have any questions, comments, or problems with a QNX product, please contact Technical Support. For more information, see the How to Get Help chapter of the Welcome to QNX Momentics guide or visit our website, www.qnx.com.