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QNX® Momentics® 6.2.1 PE - Embedded Planet EP8260 BSP - Release Notes

QNX® Momentics® 6.2.1 PE

Embedded Planet EP8260 BSP

Release Notes

Date of this edition: November 11, 2003

Target OS: QNX® Neutrino® 6.2.1 Supplemental

Host OS: Microsoft Windows XP/2K/NT SP4, Sun Solaris 2.8, QNX® Neutrino® 6.2.1B

For information on installing this BSP, see the installation note.


  • Known issues

Throughout this document, you may see reference numbers associated with particular issues, changes, etc. When corresponding with our Technical Support staff about a given issue, please quote the relevant reference number. You might also find the reference numbers useful for tracking issues as they become fixed.

Known issues

All issues that were reported during the Beta period can now be considered fixed unless they appear in the list below.

  • The source code for the network and serial drivers will overwrite any current modifications in the character and network DDKs for the PPC 8260.
  • Due to the small filename buffer size in the ROM Monitor, the image created in bsp_root_dir/images must be renamed and copied elsewhere.

    If you have a filename that's greater than 16 characters (including its directory name), you'll need to rename it. For example, "images/ifs-ep8260.srec" is too large. To fix this:

    1. Create a directory called xfer:
      # mkdir /xfer
    2. Copy the image to the xfer directory, giving it a smaller name:
      # cp images/ifs-ep8260.srec  /xfer/ep.ifs
  • The serial driver may drop characters under high load.