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Detect video hardware and start the correct driver


crttrap  [-b bits] [-c trap_file] [-e] [-F keyword] [-gx,y]
         [-r] [-t trap_file] [-V] [-VV]
         [-wg graphics_opt] [-wm modesw_opt] [-wt trap_opt]
         [-X keyword] command


-b bits
Choose mode by the number of bits per pixel. This is usually done when trapping video modes to change the default trapped mode.
-c trap_file
Specify trap filename. The default is /etc/config/trap/crt.$NODE.
Use the 8086 emulator to perform calls to the video ROM BIOS. Supported by all modeswitchers and trappers.
-F keyword
Force specific card type during trap. The force keywords (see "Trapper modules" below) depend on the trap programs specified in crttrap.list.
Choose mode by resolution. This is usually done when trapping video modes to change the default trapped mode.
Cause the modeswitcher to switch to real mode under QNX 4.xx or Virtual 8086 mode under Neutrino to do the modeswitch.
-t trap_file
Specify trap list file. The default is: /qnx4/graphics/trappers/crttrap.list.
Be verbose.
Be very verbose and pass on the -V option to the trapper programs that are started.
-wg graphics_opt
Pass option to graphics driver.
-wm modesw_opt
Pass option to modeswitcher.
-wt trap_opt
Pass option to trapper.
-X keyword
Exclude specific card types.
Start the probe with one of these commands:

Caution: If you change your video hardware, run crttrap clear to remove your current configuration file. If you don't, your video driver may fail.


The crttrap utility detects video hardware and/or starts the correct drivers. It runs in two main modes:

trap mode
In trap mode, crttrap executes the video card detection modules (trapper modules). The results are compiled and written as the file /etc/config/trap/crt.$NODE. Each line in the crt.$NODE file specifies a video card mode-setting module (modeswitcher) and a graphics driver.
start mode
In start mode, crttrap reads the first line of crt.$NODE and executes the modeswitcher and then the graphics driver.

Video card detection modules (Trapper modules)

Each trapper module detects a different chip set or capability and composes a list of corresponding modeswitcher/driver invocations. Some trappers look for generic capabilities, others provide more in-depth support. The output of the trappers are combined and placed in /etc/config/trap/crt.$NODE. The phgrafx utility uses the combined output of the trappers to provide a list of available display modes.

The following table describes the chip sets or capabilities that each trapper detects:

Detectable chip sets/capabilities/cards Trapper name
3DFX Voodoo Banshee, 3DFX Voodoo3 banshee.trap
ATI Mach 8, ATI Mach 32 chips mach.trap
ATI Mach 64 chips m64bios.trap, Hydra.ms -T
ATI Rage3D chips ragebios.trap, Hydra.ms -T
ATI Rage128 chips rage128.trap
Chips and Technologies chips chipsbios.trap, Hydra.ms -T
Cirrus Logic chips cirrusbios.trap, Hydra.ms -T
Cyrix MediaGX chips Cyrixbios.trap
Flat capability Hydra.ms -T
IGS chips IGSbios.trap, Hydra.ms -T
MagicMedia256AV, MagicGraph128XD, MagicGraph128ZV+ chips neomagic.trap
Matrox Millenium, Millenium II, Mystique, Mystique II PCI/AGP chips matbios.trap
Number 9 Imagine 128 Series II chips, Revolution 3D (T2R/Series III) chips Number9bios.trap
nVidia Riva TNT, nVidia Riva TNT2 chips tnt.trap
Rendition V2x00 chips Rendition.trap
S3-based chips s3bios.trap, s3bios.ms
S3 ViRGE chips s3bios.ms, virge.ms
ST Microelectronics STPC multimedia processor chips STPCbios.trap
Super VGA video modes for ATI Wonder, Tseng3000, Tseng4000, OAK Technologies, Trident, Chips, Genoa, Everex, Video7, Paradise svgabios.trap
VESA 1.2 capability vesabios.trap
VESA 2 capability vesabios.trap, Hydra.ms -T

Specifying the -F or -X option during the crttrap graphics probe causes the *.trap modules to force or exclude specific types of cards. If the chipset is implemented using the PCI or AGP bus, it's never necessary to force trapping. The trapper corresponding to the keyword generates new arguments for the corresponding modeswitcher and graphics driver.

The following table lists the modeswitchers and graphics drivers Photon supports for the -F and -X options:

Trapper keyword Modeswitcher Driver
banshee.trap banshee Null.ms Pg.Banshee, Pg.Banshee90
chipsbios.trap chips, dchips chipsbios.ms Pg.chips, Pg.chipsMM, Pg.chipsdc, Pg.chipsdc24
cirrusbios.trap cirrus, dcirrus cirrusbios.ms Pg.cirrblit, Pg.cirrnblit
Cyrixbios.trap cyrix Cyrixbios.ms Pg.Cyrix, Pg.Cyrixdc
Hydra.ms -T ignored Hydra.ms -S Pg.flat, Pg.flatdc, Pg.flatdc24, Pg.flatdc32
IGSbios.trap igs IGSbios.ms Pg.IGS, Pg.IGSdc, Pg.IGS50XX, Pg.IGS50XXds
m64bios.trap mach64 m64bios.ms Pg.m64, Pg.m64isa, Pg.m64dc, Pg.m64dc24
mach.trap mach, mach32 mach.ms Pg.m32
matbios.trap matrox matbios.ms Pg.matrox, Pg.matroxdc
neomagic.trap neomagic vesabios.ms Pg.neomagic
Number9bios.trap Number9 Number9bios.ms Pg.Number9, Pg.Number9dc
rage128.trap rage128 Null.ms Pg.rage128
ragebios.trap rage Null.ms Pg.rage
Rendition.trap Rendition Rendition.ms Pg.Rendition
s3bios.trap s3, virge s3bios.ms, s3dir.ms, virge.ms Pg.s3, Pg.s3isa, Pg.s3dc, Pg.s3dc24, Pg.virge, Pg.virgedc, Pg.virgedc32
STPCbios.trap STPC STPCbios.ms Pg.STPC, Pg.STPCdc
svgabios.trap vga, video7, paradise, tseng3000, tseng4000, trident, chips, ati, ati18800, ati18800-1, ati28800, ati28800-4, ati28800-5, atixl, ati28800-6, atixl24, ati68800 vesabios.ms Pg.vga4, Pg.svga, Pg.svgadc
tnt.trap tnt Null.ms Pg.tnt
vesabios.trap ignored vesabios.ms Pg.vga4, Pg.svga, Pg.svgadc

Mode-setting modules (modeswitchers)

Each modeswitcher can set the video mode for different types of video cards. The modeswitcher programs are located in /qnx4/graphics/drivers/*.ms and /qnx4/graphics/trappers/*.ms.

The options for setting the mode of a video card could include:

Name of console to attach to (the default is standard input). A modeswitcher attaches to a console in order to prevent the console driver from interfering with the cards operation in graphics mode.
-c none
Don't attach to a console.
Use the 8086 emulator to perform calls to the video ROM BIOS. Supported by all modeswitchers and trappers.
Name to register (the default is qnx/crt). The modeswitcher registers the name so that the graphics driver can attach to and communicate with the modeswitcher.
-n none
Don't register a name.
Set refresh rate to: Interlaced, Low (usually 60Hz), Medium, or High. (This option isn't supported by all modeswitchers and graphics cards.)
Be verbose.

Each trapper/modeswitcher has additional arguments that're tailored to the particular family of chips it was written for. These are usually somewhat consistent from family to family:

Specifies the memory location of the video aperture.
Size of the aperture in bytes.
Specific private info.
Mode number (usually a VESA mode number).

Options for Hydra.ms

The options for Hydra.ms include all of the options listed in the above section Mode-switching modules (modeswitchers), plus the following:

Specifies the VESA/SVGA video mode to switch to.
Switch the processor into real-8086 mode to perform calls to the video ROM BIOS. This option isn't compatible with multiple-monitor configurations, but is sometimes necessary to avoid some timing problems that occur with the 8086 emulator. Hence certain multi-montitor configurations are not compatible with Hydra.ms
Instructs Hydra.ms to act as a modeswitcher.
When switching modes, bus specifies the PCI/AGP bus number of the card to select, and also the device and function number. The 13 most significant bits of device-function represent the device number, and the three least significant bits represent the function number.
Instructs Hydra.ms to act as a trapper.

Note: The Null.ms modeswitcher is used by some of the newer drivers that do their own modeswitching to prevent text-mode operation from interfering with graphics-mode operations.

Graphics drivers

Each graphics driver is designed for different video modes and for different video accelerators. These programs are located in the /qnx4/graphics/drivers/Pg.* files. For a description of the cards these programs support, see "Driver descriptions" below.

The options for starting a graphics driver could include:

Note: Don't rely on the following options! Although they're still supported by most drivers, they'll eventually be deprecated: -c Dim, -c Ghost, -c Opt, -D A, -D I, -D N, -M, -WC t,st, -WD..., -WG g, -WU, -WV

-A o,s
Define the physical address and size of video memory.
Cursor options:
Dithering options:
-G n
Set primary Photon input group.
-g X,Y,B
Define the size and color depth of the video mode such as -g 640,480,4 for the standard VGA mode of 640*480 in 16 colors.
The name registered by the process that set the video mode. If this process remains, the graphics driver will direct services to it.
Make the graphics driver a child of a region.
-i n
Maximum points in internal point buffer (default: 1024).
Convert all colors to monochrome.
-n name
Name of Photon server to attach to. If the name starts with a digit, it's a node number. If the name starts with a slash (/) it's a full path. Otherwise, the system looks for the server name in the dev directory.
-o X,Y
Place the graphics driver at a specific location in the Photon event space.
-P palette_file
Load the graphics driver's initial palette. The palette data is stored as 4 bytes per pixel arranged as blue, green, red, and a spare.
-p n
Maximum number of palettes in palette cache (default: 8).
-s n
Maximum number of screen buffers (default: 32).
Bytes per scan line of video memory.
-WC t,st
Video card Type and SubType.
Driver-specific DAC type.
-WG g
Bankswitching granularity.
I/O register base.
Name of shared memory object to use in place of physical memory.
BUS type.
Total video memory on graphics card.
-w n
Graphics driver internal workspace (default: 16K).
-wc n
Number of internal clipping rectangles (default: 256).
-wr n
Initial receive buffer size in K (default: 4K).
-wu n
Number of user clipping rectangles (default: 64).
-Z none
Disable gamma correction.
-Z val
Set gamma correction factor (0 no correction; default: 0.2).
-ZB val
Set black level for gamma correction (default: 0.06).
-ZW val
Set white level for gamma correction (default: 1).
Note: You can also specify gamma correction values as RGB values for monitors with inconsistent colors.

Driver descriptions

Supports the 3DFX Voodoo Banshee, and the 3DFX Voodoo3 chip sets.

Extra options:

Enable double-buffered mode of operation to reduce flicker.

Specify the PCI/AGP Vendor and Device ID's of the device to be driven.

Specify the instance of the PCI/AGP device to be driven.

Specify the monitor refresh rate, in Hz, for the display mode.

Supports the same as Pg.Banshee, but in portrait-mode.
Supports these Chips and Technologies chips: CT65540, CT65545, CT65548, CT65550, CT65554, CT65555, CT69000.
Required for only PCI implementations of the 65545 chip set.
Supports the Chips and Technologies chips in direct-color modes with 16 bits per pixel.
Supports the Chips and Technologies chips in direct-color modes with 24 bits per pixel.
Supports these Cirrus Logic chips: 5426, 5428, 5429, 5430, 5432, 5434, 5436, 5440, 5446, 5465, 5480, 7543, 7548.
Similar to Pg.cirrblit, but doesn't have a hardware blitter. Supports these Cirrus Logic chips: 5422, 5424, 5425.
Supports the Cyrix Media GX Processor in 8-bit palette-based modes.
Supports the Cyrix Media GX Processor in direct-color modes with 16 bits per pixel. (The hardware isn't capable of more than 16-bit operation).
Supports selected PCI/AGP-based chips in 8-bit palette-based modes, and is faster than the Pg.svga driver. Also supports most VESA 2.0-based cards as well as cards that provide a linear frame buffer (i.e. doesn't require bankswitching).
Supports VESA 2.0 capability and selected PCI/AGP chips in direct-color modes with 16 bits per pixel. This driver is faster than the Pg.svgadc driver, which uses bankswitching.
Supports VESA 2.0 capability and selected PCI/AGP chips in direct-color modes with 24 bits per pixel. This driver is faster than the Pg.svgadc driver, which uses bankswitching.
Supports VESA 2.0 capability and selected PCI/AGP chips in direct-color modes with 32 bits per pixel. This driver is faster than the Pg.svgadc driver, which uses bankswitching.
Supports these IGS chips in 8-bit palette-based modes: IGA 1682/83, IGA CyberPro 2000, IGA CyberPro 2010.
Supports these IGS chips in 16-bit direct-color modes: IGA 1682/83, IGA CyberPro 2000, IGA CyberPro 2010.
Supports these IGS chip in 8-bit palette-based modes: IGA CyberPro 5000, IGA CyberPro 5050.
Supports these IGS chips in direct-color modes with 16 and 24 bit color: IGA CyberPro 5000, IGA CyberPro 5050.
Supports ATI Mach 32 chips in 256 colors with a maximum resolution of 1280*1024. The driver supports direct access to video memory and the builtin hardware cursor. This family of chips includes the Ultra Pro, Mach32, and Wonder GT.
The Pg.m64 driver supports some ATI Mach 64 chips in 256 colors with memory-mapped registers (e.g. Graphics XPRESSION, Graphics PROTURBO, WINBOOST, WINTURBO, VIDEO XPRESSION, etc.). The family of chips for the Pg.m64 driver includes the Mach64 (GX, CX, CT, ET).

Extra options:

Card-specific information.

The Pg.m64dc driver supports some ATI Mach 64 chips in direct-color mode with 16 or 32 bits per pixel and memory-mapped registers (e.g. see Pg.m64).

Extra options:

Card-specific information.

The Pg.m64dc24 driver supports some ATI Mach 64 chips in direct-color mode with 24 bits per pixel and memory-mapped registers (e.g. see Pg.m64).

Extra options:

Card-specific information.

Supports ATI Mach 64 chips in 256 colors with I/O mapped registers. This driver is required for ISA bus-based video cards and VESA Local Bus-based cards on a system with 16M or more of system RAM (e.g. see Pg.m64).

Extra options:

Card-specific information.

Supports the Matrox Millenium, Millenium II, Mystique, Mystique II, Matrox G100, PCI/AGP chip sets.
Supports the Matrox Millenium, Millenium II, Mystique, and the Mystique II chips in direct-color modes with 16 or 32 bits per pixel.
Supports the NeoMagic 2200 (MagicMedia256AV), NeoMagic 2160 (MagicGraph128XD), and the     NeoMagic 2097 (MagicGraph128ZV+) chip sets.
Supports some of the Number 9 Imagine 128 Series II chips, and the Revolution 3D (Ticket 2 Ride/Series III) chips in 8-bit palette-based modes.
Supports some of the Number 9 Imagine 128 Series II chips, and the Revolution 3D (Ticket 2 Ride/Series III) chips in direct-color modes at 15, 16, and 32 bits per pixel.
Supports the V2X00 series Rendition Verité.
The Pg.rage driver supports ATI Rage3D GT or VT chips in 256 colors with memory-mapped registers (e.g. Graphics XPRESSION, Graphics PROTURBO, WINBOOST, WINTURBO, VIDEO XPRESSION, etc.). The family of chips for the Pg.rage driver includes the VT, GT (3D Rage I, II, Pro, Pro LT).

Extra options:

Card-specific information.

Supports the Rage128 chip set. (Since Pg.rage128 is significantly different from prior Rage chips, a new driver is required.)

Extra options:

Enable double-buffered mode of operation to reduce flicker.

Specify the PCI Vendor and Device ID's of the device to be driven.

Specify the instance of the PCI/AGP device to be driven.

Specify the monitor refresh rate, in Hz, for the display mode.

Supports S3-based video cards in 256 colors: 805, 905, 811, 911, 828, 928, 864, 964, 868, 968, and Trio 32/64/64V+. (See also Pg.virge for additional S3 chip support.)

Extra options:

Card-specific information.

Supports S3-based video cards in direct-color modes with 16 or 32 bits per pixel. (See Pg.s3 for a list of supported chips).

Extra options:

Card-specific information.

Supports S3-based video cards in direct-color modes with 24 bits per pixel. (See Pg.s3 for a list of supported chips).

Extra options:

Card-specific information.

Supports older S3-based video cards in 256 colors. This driver is required for ISA bus-based video cards and VESA Local Bus-based cards on a system with 16M or more of system RAM. (e.g. see Pg.s3).

Extra options:

Card-specific information.

Supports the SGS Thompson STPC CPU multimedia chip.
Supports the SGS Thompson STPC CPU multimedia chip in direct-color modes with 16 bits per pixel.
This driver is designed to access video memory as a series of bytes, where each byte is a pixel, with a palette that is set through the VGA palette registers. If the video memory exceeds the size of the memory aperture, the driver will use bankswitching.

In this mode, the driver accesses video memory through the VGA 64K aperture. Since the video memory for these modes exceeds 64K, the video memory is bankswitched through the aperture. This driver is able to directly bankswitch cards with these chip sets: ATI Wonder, Chips and Technologies, Video7, ArkLogic, Paradise, Cirrus, Trident, Tseng3000, and Tseng4000. The driver can also use the bankswitching code provided by a VESA 1-compliant BIOS.

Since the industry is dropping this method in favor of linear frame buffers - we recommend that you try to use Pg.flat or Pg.flatdc drivers.

Supports 16, 24, and 32 bits per pixel direct-color video modes on some older video cards.
Supports the nVidia Riva TNT, and the nVidia Riva TNT 2 chip sets.

Extra options:

Specify the PCI Vendor and Device ID's of the device to be driven.

Specify the instance of the PCI/AGP device to be driven.

Specify the monitor refresh rate, in Hz, for the display mode.

Supports S3 ViRGE chips in 8-bit palette-based modes.
Supports S3 ViRGE chips in direct-color modes at 16 bits per pixel.
Supports S3 ViRGE chips in direct-color modes at 24 bits per pixel.
Supports S3 ViRGE chips in direct-color modes at 32 bits per pixel.
Supports any 16-color VGA graphics mode that doesn't require bankswitching. Generally, this driver works in 320*200, 640*480, and 800*600 16-color modes.


Execute all trapper programs and compile the result in /etc/config/trap/crt.$NODE:

crttrap trap

Execute the first line of crt.$NODE to start the modeswitcher and the corresponding graphics driver:

crttrap start

Ignore crt.$NODE and start the vesabios.ms modeswitcher for a VGA 640*480 16-color card and the corresponding graphics driver Pg.vga4:

crttrap safe

Print the command line that would be executed by crttrap start:

crttrap query

Print the contents of the crt.$NODE file:

crttrap dump

Remove the current crt.$NODE file:

crttrap clear

Tell the chipsbios.trap trapper to assume there's a Chips and Technologies card present in the system:

crttrap -F chips

See also:


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