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Send a message to a Photon user


msgpad [-a] [-b blue] [-f] [-g green] [-h height] [-n]
       [-r red] [-s server] [-t title] [-w width]
       [-x x_pos] [-y y_pos] [file | -]


Avoid giving focus to the notepad.
-b blue
Blue color component of background (0..255).
Fork process to detach from caller (default).
-g green
Green color component of background (0..255).
-h height
Set initial height of window to height pixels.
Do not fork (default is -f).
-r red
Red color component of background (0..255).
-s server
Server node or device name to display message on.
-t title
Message title.
-w width
Set initial width of window to width pixels.
-x x_pos
Initial x_pos position of window.
-y y_pos
Initial y_pos position of window.
Place contents of file in msgpad. A filename of "-" reads from standard input.


The msgpad utility provides a convenient way to send notes to other Photon users over the network.


Run msgpad using the Photon server on node 4:

msgpad -s4


msgpad -s//4/dev/photon

Run msgpad at initial position (10,10) with initial dimension of 200*300:

msgpad -x10 -y10 -h200 -w300

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