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Hotkey handler structure


typedef struct Pt_hotkey_callback {
    unsigned short   key_sym_cap;
    short            flags;
    unsigned long    key_mods;
    PtWidget_t       *widget;
    void             *data;
    int              (*event_f)( PtWidget_t *, void *, 
                                 PtCallbackInfo_t * );
    } PtHotkeyCallback_t;


The PtHotkeyCallback_t structure lets you specify hotkeys or hotkey handlers, or both, for various widgets. It contains at least the following members:

Depending on the specified flags, this member contains either the symbol or cap of the key to be interpreted as a hotkey. For valid key_sym_cap values, see <photon/PkKeyDef.h>.
Determines how key_sym_cap is interpreted and whether or not key_mods is used.

Valid bits include:

Interpret key_sym_cap as a key sym; the default is to interpret it as a key cap.
Ignore the key_mods argument. This flag is typically used in menus, where you want both upper- and lowercase letters to be accepted as hot keys.
Key modifiers that must be active for the key to be considered a hotkey. If the Pt_HOTKEY_IGNORE_MODS flag is set, this member is ignored.

For valid key modifiers, see <photon/PkKeyDef.h>. All key-modifier manifests begin with Pk_KM_.

If event_f is NULL, the widget member's activate callback is invoked with a reason_subtype of Pt_CB_HOTKEY. If widget is NULL when the hotkey is attached, it's set to the widget to which the hotkey is attached.
Passed as the second parameter to the callback function when that function is invoked.
Pointer to the hotkey function. If event_f is NULL when the hotkey is activated, the widget to which the hotkey is attached has its Pt_CB_ACTIVATE callback invoked with a reason_subtype of Pt_CB_HOTKEY.



See also:

PtBalloonCallback_t, PtCallback_t, PtCallbackInfo_t, Pt_CB_HOTKEY (PtWidget), PtRawCallback_t

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