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Block special filesystem (QNX)


Blkfsys [-b num[,size]] [-f ocb] [-N name]
        [-T] [-v level] &


-b num[,size]
Set the number of buffers and, optionally, the size of each buffer ( in 512-byte blocks). The default is 1,64. If the device is read-only or is a tape, this is all the buffer space you will need. If you are writing to disks (e.g. vol to a floppy) then specifying more buffers will speed up operation.
-f ocb
Set the maximum number of control blocks that may be open concurrently. The default is 64.
-N name
Specify the registered name to be attached so drivers can locate the manager. The default is qnx/fsys32.
Disable threaded operation in driver.
-v level
Set the verbosity level. The default is 1.


The Block Filesystem Manager (Blkfsys) is used to provide access to devices supported by available Fsys drivers as block special files, where the devices will not need to be mounted as a filesystem. While Fsys also provides this function, it does so at a significant cost in memory consumed.

Blkfsys is normally used in situations where a tape drive, floppy, or CD-ROM is present on a machine and a normal QNX filesystem will not be present on those devices, or in situations where a machine has a hard drive but the drive does not have a QNX filesystem on it (e.g. a hard drive with only DOS on it; Dosfsys would be used in conjunction with Blkfsys).


Start the block filesystem with default parameters.

Blkfsys &

Start the block filesystem with four 32k buffers.

Blkfsys -b 4 &

Exit status:

Blkfsys will not exit if started successfully.

Blkfsys failed to start. The reason will be stated in a diagnostic message written to standard error.

See also:

Dosfsys, Fsys, Fsys.*, Iso9660fsys, pax

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