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Provide some of the BIOS INT 10 functions (QNX)


int10 [options...] [command | &]


Auto-detect BIOS types; this is the default. The options -b, -t, and -s override auto-detection; use -a to add auto-detected types.
-b type
Set BIOS type, overriding auto-detection.
Start video BIOS from a virtual warm-boot.
-c console | none
Attach to this console (default is standard error) or don't assume any console.
Test EEPROM if applicable.
Allow access to all software interrupts.
Allow access to all I/O ports.
Don't recheck video modes.
Display CPU registers before and after INT 10 calls.
-s script_file
Load this SVPMI script file, overriding auto-detection. A selection of SVPMI scripts is shipped with the operating system under /usr/lib/svpmi/.
-t trans_file
Use this translation file, overriding auto-detection. For a description of translation files see /etc/readme/technotes/int10.
Be verbose.
command | &
If int10 isn't run in the background (with &), you can specify one of the following optional display commands:
This command:  Displays:
id current BIOS type
modes list of supported video modes
query list of supported BIOS types
Once the information is displayed, int10 will terminate.


The int10 utility provides support for programs using the INT 10 software interrupt. It provides only those INT 10 BIOS functions (as well as the VESA Super VGA BIOS Extension) required by programs that use the Watcom Graphics Library. Once the emulator is running, programs can use the INT 10 software interrupt to change video modes and to set color-palette entries.

If you use -s, requests will be satisfied by executing code generated from the SVPMI script. Otherwise, int10 will execute the BIOS.

When programs using INT 10 calls terminate, the int10 utility attempts to restore the previous video mode.

Note: To use Watcom Graphics Library functions, you must start int10 in the background.


Auto-detect the video BIOS and display the list of modes:

    int10 modes

Auto-detect the video BIOS and install the INT 10 service:

    int10 &

Load an SVPMI script and install the INT 10 service:

    int10 -s vga &


Since int10 interprets the BIOS code, this code runs slower than it would if it were running natively. Because of this speed delay, some BIOSs with tight timing restrictions may fail to work with int10. If this happens, you'll need to use the -s option.

See also:

int10 technical note (available on QUICS)

Watcom C -- Graphics Library Reference

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