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SMC COM20020 Arcnet network driver (QNX)


Net.arc20 [-i irq] [-l log_net_id] [-n phys_nid]
          [-p io_port] [-r media_rate] [-s] [-v] &


-i irq
Use this interrupt. The default is 2. If you use an interrupt other than 2, you must use the -i option
-l log_net_id
("el") Connect to this logical network (default is 1).
-n phys_nid
Program the Arcnet adapter to be this physical node ID. Without the -n option, the I/O port at the (base+9) will be read and that value will be used.
-p io_port
Use this I/O port base, specified as a hexadecimal number without a leading 0x (default is 2E0). If you use another I/O port, you must use the -p option.
-r media_rate
Advertise this bit-transmission rate (default is 2500000). The Network Manager (Net) uses this information when multiple network drivers are running.
Terminate the driver if SIGPWR is delivered as a result of a shutdown command. By default, the driver doesn't terminate after a shutdown command; this behavior helps ensure an orderly termination of the virtual circuits.
Be verbose: print out hardware info on the console when starting up.


The Net.arc20 network driver communicates directly with networking hardware based on the SMC COM20020 Arcnet chipset. The driver provides the Network Manager (Net) with reliable data transfer over an Arcnet network.

To install multiple network cards in one machine you should specify a unique logical network ID with the -l option to every network driver option to every invocation of Net.arc20


Start the Net.arc20 driver for a COM 20020 chip at I/O port base 0x2E0 using interrupt 2:

    Net.arc20 &

Start the Net.arc20 driver for a COM 20020 chip at I/O port base 0x300 using interrupt 2:

    Net.arc20 -p300 &

Start the Net.arc20 driver for a COM 20020 chip at I/O port base 0x320 using interrupt 5:

    Net.arc20 -p320 -i5 &


Net.arc20 closes its standard input, standard output and standard error immediately after initialization.

Error messages are displayed via the qnx_display_*() functions, not through standard error.


This drivers ignores SIGPWR unless the -s option is specified.

Exit status:

Net.arc20 terminates only upon encountering errors during initialization or upon getting a signal (i.e. being killed).

Net.arc20 has shut down successfully and cleanly de-registered from Net.
An error occurred during initialization.

See also:

Net, Net.*, netinfo, shutdown

Installation & Configuration

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