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3Com 3C589 PCMCIA Ethernet network driver (QNX)


Net.ether589 -i irq -p io_port
             [-B] [-f tx_forget_time] [-l log_net_id]
             [-M] [-n tx_num_retries]
             [-P] [-r media_rate]
             [-t tx_retry_ticks] [-v]


-a io_port
This option is no longer valid in QNX 4.25 and later. Use -p instead.
-f tx_forget_time
After a driver-level NACK is received from a remote node, Net.ether589 will assume that because packets were dropped, throttling the transmit output on that connection would be a good idea. So, the output will be reduced to approximately 400K/sec for 3 seconds, after which the eternally optimistic Net.ether589 stops throttling its output. The -f option allows you to change the default 3 seconds above.
Use BNC connector. (Default: 10BASE-T)
-i irq
Program the card to use the specified hardware interrupt. This option must be specified. The driver does not autodetect the irq.
-l log_net_id
("el") Connect to the specified logical network. The default is 1.
Program the NIC for multicast rx mode. All packets with multicast destination addresses will be buffered.
-n tx_num_retries
After failing to transmit to a remote node, retry transmission no more than this number of times. Default is 7.
Program the NIC for promiscuous receive mode. All packets will be buffered, regardless of the packet's destination address. The default is non-promiscuous mode.

You may use this option in conjunction with netsniff to monitor other traffic on the network.

-p io_port
Use the given I/O port base, specified as a hexadecimal number without a leading 0x. This option is required because the driver doesn't autodetect the port address.
-r media_rate
Advertise the specified bit-transmission rate. The default is 10000000. This information is used by the Network Manager (Net) only when multiple network drivers are running.
-t tx_retry_ticks
The number of 50 millisecond intervals between transmit retries. The default is 6.
Be verbose; print out hardware configuration info on the screen when starting up.


The Net.ether589 network driver interacts with a 3Com 3C589 EtherLink III PCMCIA Ethernet card to provide the Network Manager with reliable data transfer over an Ethernet network.

This driver does not support autodetection of IO port or IRQ. For this reason, the -p io_port and -i irq options must always be specified.

Before installing your card, you should read the technote contained in the /etc/readme/technotes/Net.ether589 file.

If you install more than one network card, you must specify a unique network ID (-l option) to every network driver.


Start the driver on io_port 0x300 with irq 5:

    Net.ether589 -p300 -i5 &

Start the driver on logical network 2 with an io_port of 0x320 and an irq of 5:

            Net.ether589 -p320 -i5 -l2 &


Net.ether589 closes its standard input, standard output and standard error immediately after initialization.

Error messages are displayed via the qnx_display_*() functions, not through standard error.


The Net.ether589 driver ignores SIGPWR.

Exit status:

Net.ether589 terminates only upon encountering errors during initialization or upon getting a signal (i.e. being killed).

Net.ether589 has shut down successfully and cleanly deregistered from Net.
An error occurred during initialization.

See also:

Net, Net.*, netinfo, netmap

Installation & Configuration

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