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Beep the PC speaker when PCMCIA cards are changed (QNX)


PcmciaBeep &




The PcmciaBeep utility runs in the background and beeps the PC's speaker whenever a PCMCIA card is changed.

The sounds made by PcmciaBeep vary depending on what the change was:

Beeps Description
LOW,HIGH Card configured and in use by a device driver
LOW Card configured but no device driver attached
LOW,RAZZ Card recognized, but resources unavailable to configure
HIGH,LOW Card has been removed
RAZZ Card is not recognized
HIGH,HIGH,HIGH Card battery low


Automatically beep the speaker whenever a PCMCIA card is inserted or removed:

    PcmciaBeep &

Exit status:

The PcmciaBeep utility does not normally exit. If supplied with invalid command-line parameters, or if it cannot find a PCMCIA server, it will write a diagnostic message to the standard error and will exit with a non-zero exit status.

See also:

Pcmcia.*, PcmciaLaunch, pcmciatrap, pin

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