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QNX RTOS v4 Knowledge Base

QNX RTOS v4 project

QNX RTOS v4 Knowledge Base

Title JumpTEC (model Mops6) won't boot QNX with Flash attached.
Ref. No. QNX.000010449
Category(ies) Installation
Issue We are trying to install the QNX 4.25 on a embedded PC104+ Pentium 266Mhz with a 32 MByte EIDE SunDisk (Flash). The board supplier is JumpTEC (model of the board is Mops6).

We can boot the system and install it using the boot floppy that comes with the system.  However we haven't been able to boot the system with the OS image that we created. During the boot process a sequence of infinite dots appear
on the screen.

We have also tested QNX 6 and we can boot the system successfully, so we think the root of the problem is the boot loader version used in QNX4.
Solution It seems that the JUMPtec board doesn't currently work with the newest QNX boot loader.  A work around is to install the old boot loader from the floppy.  To do so use dinit with the -O option to install the old boot loader.

Dated Sept 7, 2001