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QNX RTOS v4 Knowledge Base

QNX RTOS v4 project

QNX RTOS v4 Knowledge Base

Title Translating and displaying Chinese Fonts under QNX 4.23
Ref. No. QNX.000010483
Category(ies) Development
Issue When I try to view Chinese fonts they don't appear correctly. Is there a bug?

Solution The first thing you'll need is the Photon Chinese Language Supplement which you can download from http://qdn.qnx.com/download/updates/archive_index.html

copy over /usr/photon/translations/zh_TW_big5.tab file from QNX 6 to your QNX 4 machine.

Modify the fontdir and fontext files in the /usr/photon/font directory as follows:
In the 'fontdir' file:
Change "hei,0@dfst-b5.pfr" into "heis,0@dfst-b5.pfr" --> add 's' to 'hei'.
Change "hei,0@hei.pfr" into "heimediums,0@hei.pfr" --> add 'mediums' to the FIRST 'hei'.

In the 'fonttext' file:
On the line where "+normal=" change first instance of "hei" into "heis"
On the line where "+normal=" change second instance of "hei" into "heimediums"

Note: If the fonts still don't appear correctly you may need a more recent version of the phfont.pfr file.

Below is a sample of how to translate the fonts inside your photon application:
trans = PxTranslateSet(NULL, "Big5");
dstlen = PxTranslateStateToUTF(trans, buffer, amount_read, NULL, dest, MYMAX);
PtSetArg(&args[0], Pt_ARG_TEXT_STRING, dest, 0);
PtSetResources(ABW_DisplayFileText, 1, args);