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QNX RTOS v4 Knowledge Base

QNX RTOS v4 project

QNX RTOS v4 Knowledge Base

Title Processes send-blocked on Proc32
Ref. No. QNX.000004197
Category(ies) Kernel, Development
Issue We have been having a problem with tasks becoming send blocked on Proc32. They seem to become blocked for approximately 90 to 130 seconds, during that time period Proc32 seems to be ready. What could Proc32 be doing that would cause this to happen?  Is there some way that we can log what it is doing during this time period?

Solution When Proc32 is in a READY state it may be servicing a task with a higher priority. Because your task is SEND-blocked the task is waiting for Proc32 to get the message, which when it does the process will be in a REPLY-blocked state.

The monitor utility writes a log of kernel events to a logfile which may then be interpreted for display by the 'msgprint' utility. Be aware that the monitor utility eats hard drive space very quickly.