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QNX RTOS v4 Knowledge Base

QNX RTOS v4 project

QNX RTOS v4 Knowledge Base

Title Not finding Watcom 9.52 wcc386 on a 10.6 system
Ref. No. QNX.000004210
Category(ies) Development, Configuration
Issue When I made a program in the "Build and Run" window of Photon AB, I got the error message "cc: /usr/watcom/9.52/bin/wcc386  failed (No such file or directy)" for
abmain.o. There is no compile error.  Watcom10.6 version is used. I did not
get the message before.  I ran the executable program and didn't see any error coming up. Does this error message mean anything?

Solution Check to see if the file exists or not. If it does, check the permissions on it and the directory it's in. If it doesn't then you have to find out why its being referenced instead of the 10.6 version.

In the Build and Run window under the Target Platform box make sure "Default" is selected. Or if 10.6 is an option, select it. It sounds like 9.52 was selected.