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QNX RTOS v4 Knowledge Base

QNX RTOS v4 project

QNX RTOS v4 Knowledge Base

Title mig24 libraries
Ref. No. QNX.000008290
Category(ies) Development
Issue Is there a migf.lib available?  I would prefer to port and compile as 32-bit programs, not 16-bit programs (which would be compatible with migs, migl, etc).  The library contains a few functions called by the existing programs (like  term_input()) that are not part of the "normal" libraries supplied with Watcom C and QNX 4.2x.  The header file mig.h contains prototypes for the functions.
Solution This is all part of the migration kit from QNX2 to QNX4. If you don't have the kit you don't get the library, because its assumed that you won't be porting from QNX2.

The migration libs were meant as a temporary method of getting QNX2 programs working in QNX4. It was expected that after the inital port, things would be fixed up and cleaned up to be proper QNX4 code.