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QNX RTOS v4 Knowledge Base

QNX RTOS v4 project

QNX RTOS v4 Knowledge Base

Title How do I customize my Voyager browser for an internet appliance?
Ref. No. QNX.000009293
Category(ies) Development, Configuration
Issue We need a web browser for our internet appliance, but we don't have a lot of time. We've been hearing a lot about Voyager SDK. What's the best way to use this to build our browser quickly?
Solution The Voyager Software Development Kit (SDK) contains PhAB-based web widgets along with internet-ready applications and source code you can edit. Since you probably already have all the software needed to use the Voyager SDK (QNX 4.23, Watcom 10.6, TCP/IP for QNX, and Photon 1.12), your first prototype can be ready in a matter of days.

Your application can take advantage of the PtWebClient widget provided in this kit. This widget interacts with the Voyager Browser engine in either of two modes. The compact mode of the browser is designed for embedded applications (it provides basic functionality like HTML formatting on an extremely small footprint). The full mode of the browser has extensive functionality typically required for desktop applications.

Let's say you need a simple web browser with basic features. The browser could include a text field for specifying a URL and four buttons for navigating through web pages: Back, Forward, Reload, and Stop. Once the PtText and PtButton widgets are placed on the base window along with a PtWebClient viewing area, we'll add the code that's needed for the PtWebClient widget to display web pages.

The first thing we'll need to do is create a header file that includes the PtWebClient widget header file, then define it as a global header file in PhAB's Application Startup Information dialog. The contents would look something like this:

/*Header "webbruce.h" for Browser Application */
#include <Ph.h>
#include <Pt.h>
#include <Ap.h>
#include <Photon/PtWebClient.h>

We also need to define which version of the browser engine (i.e. the "Server" portion of the browser) the PtWebClient widget will start. Either copy the sample code provided in the kit, or using PhAB, click on the "Web Server" resource in the Control Panel (Pt_ARG_WEB_SERVER resource of the PtWebClient widget), then enter a value of "voyager.server" for the full mode version.

Now we can display a web page in the widget. In the example code below, the activate callback of a PtText widget provides an input field for the user to choose a URL. The code sets the Pt_ARG_WEB_GET_URL resource of the PtWebClient widget to the user-provided value in the PtText field. The length argument to PtSetArg() can be set to WWW_ACTION_DISPLAY or WWW_ACTION_SAVEAS. To display the URL in the browser, we'll use WWW_ACTION_DISPLAY. Alternatively, a value of WWW_ACTION_SAVEAS can be used to download and save a URL.

/*Standard headers*/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>

/*Toolkit headers*/
#include <Ph.h>
#include <Pt.h>
#include <Ap.h>

/*Local headers*/
#include "webbruce.h"
#include "abimport.h"
#include "proto.h"

int change_page(PtWidgeet_t"widget,Aplnfo_t*apinfo,

PtTextCallback_t*text_data = cbinfo->cbdata;
PtArg_t args[1];
char *url;

/*Eliminate `unreferenced' warnings*/
widget = widget, apinfo = apinfo, cbinfo = cbinfo;

if(cbinfo->reason == Pt_CB_ACTIVATE)
x09if((cbinfo->reason_subtype == Pt_EDIT_ACTIVATE)&&
x09url = text_data->text;
x09PtSetArg(&args[0], Pt_ARG_WEB_GET_URL,url,WWW_ACTION_DISPLAY);
x09PtSetResources(ABW_WebClient, 1, args);

The PtWebClient widget's Pt_CB_WEB_ERROR callback can be used as shown below to determine if there was a problem accessing the URL. You can also use the Pt_CB_WEB_ERROR callback to detect if the "voyager.server" process fails to start.

int handle_error(PtWidget_t*widget,Apinfo_t*apinfo,
PtArg_t args[1]:
char buf[1024];

PtSetResources(widget, 1, args);

return( Pt_CONTINUE);

Once web pages have been loaded, the user might want to move forwards or backwards in the history, reload a page, or stop a page from loading. Let's look at the activate callback code for Back button. First, the code checks if a page exists in the history queue by doing a PtGetResources() on the Pt_ARG_WEB_NAVIGATE_PAGE resource. Provided the user has already viewed a page, we can set this resource to a new direction. The resource also accommodates page scrolling up, down, left, or right. The code for the Forward button would be similar.

int go_back(PtWidget_t*widget,Apinfo_t*apinfo, PtCallbackinfo_t*cbinfo)
int *nav_dir;
PtArg_t args(1);

PtSetArg(&args, Pt_ARG_WEB_NAVIGATE_PAGE,&nav_dir,0);
PtGetResources(ABW_WebClient,1, args);
if(*nav_dir & (1<<WWW_DIRECTION_BACK)){
PtSetResources(ABW_WebClient, 1, args);


As the user moves back and forth through the page history, we can update the PtText widget with the URL currently being displayed. The following code would be attached to the "Web URL" callback (Pt_CBWEB_URL) of the PtWebClient widget.

int new_url(PtWidget_t*widget, Apinfo_t*apinfo,PtCallbackinfo_t*cbinfo)
PtWebUrlCallback_t*cb = cbinfo->cbdata;
PtArg_t args[1];
PtSetArg(&args[0], Pt_ARG_TEXT_STRING, cb->url, 0);
PtSetResources (ABW_url_field, 1, args);


The code for the Stop button's activate callback uses the PtWebClient widget's Pt_ARG_WEB_STOP resource to stop a page from loading:

int stop_loading(PtWidget_t*widget,Apinfo_t*apinfo,
PtArg_t args[1];


The code for the Reload button's activate callback uses the PtWebClient widget's Pt_ARG_WEB_RELOAD resource to reload the current URL.

int reload_url(PtWidget_t*widget,Apinfo_t*apinfo,

PtArg_t args[1];

PtSetArg(&args[0], Pt_ARG_WEB_RELOAD, 0,0);
PtSetResources(ABW_WebClient, 1, args);


Complete source code for this example browser application is available for downloading from /usr/free/qnx4/photon/examples/brucebrowser.tgz. However, the PtWebClient widget is by no means limited to the features used in this example. For a demonstration, visit www.qnx.com/iat and create your own web-ready demo disk. The single, self-booting demo disk features the Voyager Browser (built from the PtWebClient widget), and embedded web server, and all the software you need to surf the web or serve web pages.