Title |
How to boot from a QNX4.2 laptop on a network |
Ref. No. |
QNX.000009299 |
Category(ies) |
Network, Configuration |
Issue |
We're going to a customer site and will be bringing along our laptop. We'd like to connect the laptop to our customer's QNX 4.2 network, but we want it to boot from its own hard disk. What's the best way to do this?
Solution |
Let's say your customer has a five-node QNX 4.2 Ethernet network and that you want to add your laptop as node 6. To add your laptop as a self-booting node, you'd follow these steps:
1x09Install QNX on the laptop and tell the install program to configure the laptop for use as a standalone machine.
2x09Once the installation is complete, reboot the laptop. The machine will come up as node 1 with a single license. To verify this, type sin in. You'll see output similar to the following:
Nodex09CPUx09Machinex09Speedx09Memoryx09Ticksizex09Displayx09Flags 1x09486/487x09ATx094781x0913932k/19456kx0910.Omsx09VGA Color D3x098P
Heappx09Heapfx09Heapx09Handsx09Namesx09Sessionsx09Procsx09Timersx09Nodesx09Boot 30404x0931628x097516x0932x0930x0932x09150x0940x091x09Net at Jan 12 09:43
x09Node shows that your node is node 1 and Nodes shows that you have a single-node license.
3x09You now need to configure your laptop as node 6. First, make a copy of the default build image (e.g. cp -v /boot/build/hard32.1 /boot/build/hard32.6).
x09Next, edit the build image (e.g. /boot/build/hard32.6) and change the -I option to Proc indicate node 6: x09x09sys/Proc32 x09x09$52000 Proc32 -I 6
x09Now rebuild the image. To do this, change to the /boot directory, make the new image, save the old image as .altboot, then copy the new image to boot:
x09x09cd /boot x09x09make b=hard32.6 x09x09cp -v /boot /.altboot x09x09cp -v images/hard32.6 /boot x09x09cp -v /etc/config/sysinit.1 /etc/config/sysinit.6
4x09You now have to extract the licenses and netmap files from node 1, the network boot server. Take a blank floppy and perform the following at node 1:
x09•x09Format and initialize the floppy:
x09x09fdformat /dev/fd0 x09x09dinit /dey/fd0
x09•x09Create the licenses directory and config directory:
x09x09mkdir -p /fd0/etc/licenses x09x09mkdir -p /fd0/etc/config
x09•x09Transfer the licenses and copy over the netmap file:
x09x09license /etc/licenses /fd0/etc/licenses x09x09cp -v /etc/config/netmap /fd0/etc/config
5x09You now need to add the licenses and netmap file to node 6. First, make sure that the following commands have been invoked at node 6: x09x09Fsys & x09x09Fsys.floppy & x09x09mount /dev/fd0 /fd0
x09Next, using the disk from Step 4, copy netmap and transfer the licenses:
x09x09cp -v /fd0/etc/config/netmap /etc/config/ x09x09license /fd0/etc/licenses /etc/licenses
x09Now reboot the machine and confirm with sin in that Node is 6 and that Nodes is also 6 (see Step 2).
6x09You now need to transfer the license and netmap entry from node 6 to the boot server (node 1).
x09First, edit the /etc/config/netmap file on node 6 and add your logical-to-physical node ID mapping. Copy the netmap file to the floppy:
x09x09cp -v /etc/config/netmap /fd0/etc/config
x09Next, transfer your single-node license to the floppy: x09x09license /etc/licenses /fd0/etc/licenses
x09Finally, take the floppy to the boot server and copy the updated netmap file to //1/etc/config/netmap, then transfer the license as follows:
x09x09cp -v /fd0/etc/config/netmap /etc/config/netmap x09x09license /fd0/etc/licenses //1/etc/licenses x09x09license -r x09x09netmap -f
7x09Configure your Ethernet card and start the appropriate driver at node 6. For example: x09x09Net & x09x09Net.ether10000 -i irq -p io_port -v &
x09Next, load the logical-to-physical node ID mapping table:
x09x09netmap -f
8x09Once the network card is configured properly, you can add the commands in step 7 to your sysinit file.
9x09Remember to remove the customer's licenses from your laptop and your license from the customer's hard disk before you leave the customer's site!
x09If you need help configuring your Ethernet card, use the netinfo utility with the -a and -I options. For more information, see the Utilities Reference or Utilities Reference Supplement.