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QNX RTOS v4 Knowledge Base

QNX RTOS v4 project

QNX RTOS v4 Knowledge Base

Title How to add a node to a QNX4 system
Ref. No. QNX.000009322
Category(ies) Network, Configuration
Issue We've added a node to our QNX4 system that boots fine, but won't work across the network.  We've started the appropriate network drivers and configured the network mapping (netmap) according to the User's Guide. Where could we have gone wrong?
Solution It sounds like you've either set up the node ID incorrectly or you haven't provided your node with necessary licensing information. To find out what's happened, first type sin info from the new node. You'll see output similar to the following:


2x09386/0x09ATx09827x091680k/3328kx0910.0msx09VGA Color Dx09EP



The first item, Node, indicates the logical node ID of your new node. You may have trouble communicating across the network if another node also uses this ID-each node in a physical network must use a unique logical ID. To find out if you've assigned the new node another node's logical ID, look at, the boot image for each node. (A node's logical ID is set by the -I option to Proc in its boot image). If your new node has been given an existing logical ID, rebuild the node's boot image, specifying a unique ID, then copy the image to the root directory. To do this, see buildqnx in the Utilities Reference.

If the logical ID of the new node checks out okay, and the node boots from its own hard disk, you probably haven't provided the node with the licensing information it needs to access the rest of the network. Look at the Nodes (note the plural) column on the second line of sin info; this shows how many nodes the new node is licensed to communicate with. If the new node isn't licensed for all the machines on the network, you need to copy serial numbers from another boot server to the node's /etc/licenses directory. To do this, see License in the Utilities Reference.