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QNX RTOS v4 Knowledge Base

QNX RTOS v4 Knowledge Base

QNX RTOS v4 project

QNX RTOS v4 Knowledge Base

Title QNX4 support for FireWire.
Ref. No. QNX.000009553
Category(ies) Development, Configuration, Character I/O
Issue Does QNX4 supportthe IEEE 1394 High Performance Serial Bus(FireWire)?

Solution QNX does not directly support any FireWire solutions.

Technology Rendezvous Inc. based in Santa Clara, CA, USA specializes in providing 1394 software solutions for embedded systems.

TRI has developed IEEE-1394/FireWire support (FireStack) for QNX4.

FireStack supports 1394 controllers from various vendors including from TI, IBM, Fujitsu etc. and custom controllers from IP vendors.

The FireStack solution from TRI supports various protocols such as SBP-2 target/initiator, IP 1394, AV/C, DPP etc. FireStack software is available as follows:

- 1394 Driver with minimal transaction layer
- 1394 stack which includes HAL(driver), Transaction Layer, SBM, Dispatcher
- 1394 Protocol package with the driver, stack and support for interested 1394 protocols.

TRI also provides training and workshop on 1394 technology.

Please contact Sathyan Iyengar by phone at 408-566-0280 x:201 or by e-mail sathyan@trinc.com for more information.