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QNX RTOS v4 Knowledge Base

QNX RTOS v4 project

QNX RTOS v4 Knowledge Base

Title Use of NFS when accessing non-QNX NFS filesystem
Ref. No. QNX.000009664
Category(ies) Network, Filesystem
Issue We'd like to NFS mount some exported directories from our HP9000 UNIX servers to a QNX machine.  How do we do that?

Solution Since NFS consists of client and servers side, before using any NFS client/server features, Socket should be started.

NFS client will request that a filesystem exported from HF9000 UNIX server to be grafted onto its local namespace by using the 'mount_nfs' utility:

e.g. mount_nfs sun:/home /mount

In the example client is requesting that the /home directory on syn be mounted onto the local namespace as /mnt.
NOTE: The mount_point (e.g./mnt) doesn't have to exist as a directory, but its parent must.

For server to work next programs have to be started in this specific order:


NOTE: If portmap is not started first and the attempt to communicate fails, nfsd and mount will retry briefly before giving up.

" portmap "  is used when a client wishes to make an RPC call to a given program. In first, it contacts portmap on the RPC server machine to determine which port number it should send RPC packets to.

" nfsd " starts daemon processes to service NFS requests from client machines. Each daemon process listens for service requests at the port indicated in the NFS server specification
" mountd " deamon reads the /etc/exports file where filesystems that can be exported are listed and optionally specifies which clients those filesystems can be exported to.