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QNX RTOS v4 Knowledge Base

QNX RTOS v4 project

QNX RTOS v4 Knowledge Base

Title SMBfsys error: Permission denied
Ref. No. QNX.000009716
Category(ies) Filesystem
Issue We can mount a smb server partition using mount_smb as root, but as a regular user we were not able to do this. We got an error "Permission denied". Is there a solution for this problem?

Solution When mounting a share on remote host, there are two userids to deal with. The local userid which you are executing commands as, and the userid on the remote(NT, samba) system. When creating a share on the server, you can select that only certain users can mount the share(file system or printer). These are userids known to the server.

On the client side, command "user_smb" is used to map userid on the client to a userid on the server. The default is to map the current userid executing "user_smb" to the userid[password] on the server.

This means that interaction with the server, after this, by the current user will be translated to a request by the user specified on the "user_smb" command line.

For example:

QNX userid is jsmith
NT share "temp" can be mounted by NT user "joe" password "pass"

SMBfsys & (as root)
After logging into the client (QNX system) as "jsmith"

user_smb joe pass

This is how created a mapping in SMBfsys that if jsmith wishes to access the server, he does it as "joe" with password "pass".

'-u' option can be used in on wishes to create a mapping for another client userid.

mount_smb //nt/temp /nt_temp

This will attempt to create a local mount point"/nt_temp". The request to the NT server will be done as "joe" password "pass". This can fail because user "jsmith" when running mount_smb may not have permission to create a prefix under / on the client system.

If a mapping for a client does not exist, SMBfsys will check the /etc/password file for the user name. If it can not find one it will do the request as a guest (SMBfsys -u option).