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QNX RTOS v4 Knowledge Base

QNX RTOS v4 project

QNX RTOS v4 Knowledge Base

Title Subtype 0x03 event for the Ph_EV_RELEASE
Ref. No. QNX.000009817
Category(ies) Development
Issue We get a subtype event of 0X03 for the Ph_EV_RELEASE type. What does this mean?

Solution It is a new subtype called Ph_EV_RELEASE_OUTBOUND. It tells you that the user started dragging. In other words, that the mouse has been moved more than a few pixels without releasing the button. It's similar to Ph_EV_RELEASE_ENDCLICK, except an ENDCLICK is also generated when you hold a button down for a while without moving the mouse.

It is a good idea to avoid assuming that the subtypes that are documented when writing the code are all that you can ever possibly get.

Always check the subtype and ignore the values that you do not recognize.