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QNX RTOS v4 Knowledge Base

QNX RTOS v4 project

QNX RTOS v4 Knowledge Base

Title Applications in Pterms not closing properly
Ref. No. QNX.000009833
Category(ies) Configuration
Issue We have noticed that some programs (VEDIT being one of these) will, if not closed properly, not kill themselves, even if the pterm they were running in is closed (e.g.closing the window or loosing a phindows connection).
The result of this is that the program tries to attach to the next pterm that is run on that machine. We have also experienced this with the BASH shell.
What causes this and can it be prevented?

Solution When you close a pterm, it generates a SIGHUP. If a process is out of the chain that will receive the SIGHUP(e.g. in a new process group), or blocks, or ignores, or handles SIGHUP without exiting, or it is run with a new userid (unless the pterm is run as a root), then the SIGHUP will not kill the process It will still be around and will compete for input next time you open a pterm on that pty.