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QNX RTOS v4 Knowledge Base

QNX RTOS v4 Knowledge Base

QNX RTOS v4 project

QNX RTOS v4 Knowledge Base

Title Multiple Groups in input.$NODE
Ref. No. QNX.000009904
Category(ies) Input Devices, Development
Issue Is there a way to establish what input devices are assigned to an input group in a single input.$NODE file?

For example, if we want a touch device associated with group 2 while the mouse and keyboard are associated with group 1. Can this be contained in a single input.$NODE file or do we have to maintain separate files and respectively copy them into input.$NODE and run inputtrap start?

Solution The input.$NODE file will only specify the args to one invocation of Input. To do the multiple group, you would have to ivoke Input multiple times.
Concerning keboard/mouse Input args, you could put them in the input.<node> file and then put the onther Input in the $HOME/.photon/phapps file.