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SH4 Critical Patch - Flash Filesystem & Embedding TDK Source

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SH4 Critical Patch - Flash Filesystem & Embedding TDK Source
September 16, 2004
QNX strongly recommends that you apply this patch if you are using the Flash File System and Embedding TDK on the SH4 family of processors. Please refer to the Release Notes for additional details.

  File Information  
Size:190 KB
Check Sum: 1429597446 194560
MD5 Sum:3838b5413cee059b74fe35e9afa312a7
Requirements: QNX Momentics 6.3.0 and Flash File System and Embedding TDK
  Additional Notes  

Important: Additional SH4 Patches

The binary patch for this TDK is available separately; click here to download the binary patch.

QNX strongly recommends that you apply these additional patches if you are using the SH4 family of processors.

Available to all registered QNX Momentics 6.3 users:

Available to customers that have purchased BSP source or the Flash Filesystem & Embedding TDK (non-legacy TDK version only):

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