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sem_timedwait() behavior difference on named and unnamed semaphores

Applicable Environment
  • Topic: sem_timedwait() behavior difference on named and unnamed semaphores
  • SDP: 6.5.0
  • Target: Any supported target


There is a difference between the behavior of named (created with sem_init) and unnamed (created/accessed with sem_open) semaphores in QNX. This is true in the OS versions up to and including 6.5.0.

The difference is in the value of the errno setting upon an unsuccessful return from a sem_timedwait() function call. When returning from this call after a timeout has been hit the following errno values are set:
Unnamed Semaphore (sem_init created) : errno=ETIMEDOUT
Named Semaphore (sem_open created) : errno=EINTR

This behavior is due to the way named semaphores are handled in QNX. To use named semaphores requires that a separate named-semaphore manger is running. Unnamed semaphores are implemented as kernel primitives.

In the case of named semaphores, a client transaction takes place on top of standard message-passing and the unblock pulse used in this case cannot contain sufficient information. The lack of information to the unblock request sent to the server results in an inability to correctly signal the client for either EINTR or ETIMEDOUT. For this reason a compromise was made and EINTR is returned.

The workaround suggested and used currently is to understand this difference in behavior and implement code that takes this behavior into account. An alternative is to avoid named semaphores and only use the unnamed variant which does not make use of the intermediate manager mqueue.

A resolution to this difference in behavior may be addressed in a future OS release. Reference number 18966.

NOTE: This entry has been validated against the SDP version listed above. Use caution when considering this advice for any other SDP version. For supported releases, please reach out to QNX Technical Support if you have any questions/concerns.

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