To fix this error, change the load address in the IPL source code, rebuild the BSP, load the modified IPL to the board with the new address, and then boot the system image.
This is mentioned on page 32 of the BSP User Guide:
Here are the steps to do so:
I'll refer to the working directory for the board-specific BSP as 'rcar_bsp' from here.
cd ~/rcar_bsp/src/hardware/ipl/boards/rcar_gen3/h3
Edit 'board.h', change line 22 to '#define QNX_LOAD_ADDR 0x48000000' and save the file. This is to set the new load address, which allows the maximum IFS size.
cd ~/rcar_bsp
Edit the 'Makefile' in the root of the BSP directory, change line 34 to '$(MAKE) -C src/hardware/ipl install' and save the file. This is to make sure the re-built IPL gets copied to the install directory.
Build the image by doing a 'make clean' followed by 'make':
make clean
Now, the modified IPL file (ipl-rcar_gen3-h3.srec) should be built under the 'images' directory.
To load the new IPL to your board, set up QSPI mode. The instructions for this can be found in the User Guide, but I'll point out the relevant parts for you here:
Use a terminal program like Tera term that allows file transfers. Start a Tera term session with the settings described on page 19.
Configure the R-Car H3 board switches SW1, SW2, SW3, SW10 to QSPI mode (page 20) and boot the board. Refer to the correct version of the board to set the switches.
Follow the rest of the instructions on page 69-70 until step 7 and 8. For step 7 and 8, use the following values for the Program Top Address and Hyperflash Save Address.
For example, below are the values for the Renesas R-Car H3, Salvator-X:
Program Top Address: 0x50000000
Hyperflash Save Address: 0x640000
For step 9, transmit the modified ipl-rcar_gen3-h3.srec file, which is generated after re-building the BSP.
Finish the steps. For step 14, the instructions to put the board in Hyperflash are on page 24. Set SW10 to 160 MHz.
Build the host as described in the hypervisor User Guide: