Example usage - Two VMs to test NTP:
Configuration/steps used for the server ( and client (
Server Setup:
Found in host directory: /target/qnx7/etc/ntp.conf (in SDP installation folder)
Save in target (server) directory: /tmp/ntp.conf:
Step 1: [ntp.conf]
Copy/paste the content below to the ntp.conf file
logfile /tmp/ntp.log
# public NTP servers
server 0.pool.ntp.org prefer iburst
# restrict client so it cannot modify the server but can access it
restrict nomodify
Step 2: [services]
Add /etc/services from the same host directory mentioned above (qnx710/target/qnx7/etc/services) to the server to avoid the error "servname not supported for ai_socktype"
Step 3: [commands]
Run these commands on server:
# ntpd -g -c /tmp/ntp.conf
# ntpq -pn
Client Setup:
Found in host directory: /target/qnx7/etc/ntp.conf (in SDP installation folder)
Save in target (client) directory: /etc/ntp.conf:
Step 1: [ntp.conf]
Copy/paste the content below to the ntp.conf file
driftfile /etc/ntp/ntp.drift
logfile /tmp/ntp.log
# public NTP servers (connect to IP of server)
server iburst
Step 2: [services]
Add /etc/services from the same host directory mentioned above (qnx710/target/qnx7/etc/services) to the client to avoid the error "servname not supported for ai_socktype"
Step 3: [commands]
Run these commands on client:
# ntpd -g -c /etc/ntp.conf
# ntpq -i
> peers
> sysinfo