
Date of this edition: August 16, 2024

Name Status Alternative Notes
+/-name_enc Discontinued N/A This is a buildfile attribute for mk*fs tools.
copy and data attributes for mkifs Discontinued mkifs*
Dynamic encryption domains Discontinued Use regular encryption domains that are provided in the filesystems.
flink() Discontinued Use link() or linkat().
Legacy filesystems
  • Embedded transaction filesystem (ETFS)
    • etfsctl
    • fs-etfs-*
  • Windows NT Filesystem
  • Apple Macintosh HFS
  • Inflator filesystem
Discontinued Use supported filesystems with QNX SDP 8.0.
Legacy filesystem utilities - fsmon Discontinued N/A
Legacy filesystem utilities - fsevents Discontinued The fsevents utility is replaced by inotify_().
Legacy filesystem utilities - io-fs Discontinued devb-
Legacy filesystem utilities - fsf-crypt Discontinued fs-qnx6 This was used for file encryption on the FAT filesystem and is no longer provided. The encryption feature is provided with the QNX6 filesystem.
maxcio option for io-blk Discontinued N/A Limit application I/O sizes if caps on latency are necessary.
namedom Discontinued N/A This is a buildfile attribute for mk*fs tools.
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