Compiler, tools, and utilities

Date of this edition: August 16, 2024

Name Status Alternative Notes
io utility Discontinued N/A
op utility Discontinued su
QCC options:
  • -ansi
  • -lang-c
Discontinued N/A
restart Discontinued N/A
  • sort
  • tsort
Deprecated N/A
Target-side command line utilities:
  • basename
  • cat
  • cksum
  • cfgopen
  • chat
  • comm
  • cp
  • split
  • cut
  • date
  • dd
  • diff
  • dirname
  • dit
  • du
  • echo
  • egrep
  • ed
  • env
  • expand
  • false
  • fgrep
  • file
  • find
  • fullpath
  • getty
  • grep
  • head
  • id
  • libgmp
  • libtermcap
  • link
  • ls
  • mesg
  • mkdir
  • mkfifo
  • mktemp
  • modem
  • mv
  • nohup
  • paste
  • patch
  • pax
  • pr
  • printf
  • ps
  • pwd
  • qcp
  • qed
  • qtalk
  • rm
  • rmdir
  • rpcgen
  • sed
  • sleep
  • sort
  • split
  • strings
  • tail
  • tee
  • textto
  • time
  • tinit
  • touch
  • true
  • tty
  • uname
  • unexpand
  • unifdef
  • uniq
  • unlink
  • uud
  • uudecode
  • uue
  • uuencode
  • wc
  • which
  • xargs
  • gprof
Discontinued The following utilities have toybox alternatives:
  • basename
  • cat
  • cksum
  • comm
  • cp
  • cut
  • date
  • dd
  • diff
  • dirname
  • du
  • echo
  • egrep
  • env
  • expand
  • false
  • fgrep
  • file
  • find
  • grep
  • head
  • id
  • link
  • ls
  • mkdir
  • mkfifo
  • mktemp
  • mv
  • nohup
  • paste
  • patch
  • printf
  • pidin (alternative for ps)
  • pwd
  • rm
  • rmdir
  • sed
  • sleep
  • sort
  • split
  • stat
  • strings
  • tail
  • tee
  • time
  • touch
  • true
  • tty
  • uname
  • uniq
  • unlink
  • uud
  • uudecode
  • uue
  • uuencode
  • wc
  • which
  • who
  • gprof
zip Discontinued QNX compression algorithms
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