QNX Momentics IDE 8.0.1 Release Notes

The QNX Momentics IDE 8.0.1 is built on top of Eclipse 2023-06 and supports the features of QNX SDP 8.0.

QNX Momentics 8.0.1 Update

Date of this edition: June 19th, 2024
You can install the IDE on the following development hosts:
  • Microsoft Windows 10/11 Pro 64-bit
  • Ubuntu 20.04 or 22.04 (x86_64)
  • RedHat Enterprise Linux Version 9

QNX Software Center offers several methods of installing the Momentics IDE:

  • New installation - To install a completely new Momentics application, or if you want to install a second copy in a separate location, you can select the Add New Installation option.
  • Update - Select this method if you want to update an existing IDE to IDE 8.0.1 only if you have modified your Momentics installations by installing other Non-Momentics plugins. To update a 8.0 base installation to 8.0.1, use the "Momentics (Update Only)" package which appears in the Available tab of the QNX Software Center (QSC). If you didn't modify your installation, use the New Installation method instead of the Update method.

    Note: In both the cases, the IDE user data is stored in a dedicated directory called "Workspace" and is preserved regardless of the installation method that you select.

    To update:

    1. Select from the drop-down menu the Momentics installation that you want to update.
    2. In the Available or the Update tab (see above), navigate to the package with "Momentics (Update Only)" in the name, and install it.
  • Installing Momentics plugins into another Eclipse instance - The "Update Only" package can be used to install Momentics plugins in a Non-Momentics Eclipse based IDE.

    To install:

    • Select the package, right click and select Download Only.
    • Locate the resulting package and extract its content.

    Note: The content of a package is the Eclipse site repository and can be used to perform a local update. For more information, go to the Eclipse User Guide (https://help.eclipse.org/latest/index.jsp?topic=%2Forg.eclipse.platform.doc.user%2Ftasks%2Ftasks-124.htm).


What's new in QNX Momentics IDE 8.0.1?

The major changes are:
  • Improvements to timeline rendering performance and stability.

Fixed issues

  • Updated the documentation to remove a deprecated option from GCC 12: -auxbase-strip. (Ref 2961191)
  • Fixed an issue where kernel event log (.kev) files were reporting incorrect file formats. (Ref 2959400)
  • Restored some missing fields to the CacheControl() kernel call event. Fast mode now recognizes the following fields: addr, flags. Wide mode now recognizes the fields: addr, len, flags. (Ref 2954554)
  • Fixed an issue where incorrect stack size information was being displayed in wide mode kernel event log (.kev) files. (Ref 2952698)
  • Fixed an issue where user class event filtering wasn't working as expected. (Ref 2952420)
  • Fixed an issue where, when a client was send blocked, the imposed time calculation would incorrectly identify the server receiving the message, causing imposed time to be billed to the wrong server. (Ref 2949599)
  • Fixed an issue where messages from slogger2 weren't appearing in search. (Ref 2949531)
  • Fixed an issue where breakpoint interrupts were failing on Windows. (Ref 2944601)
  • Fixed an issue where thread running time was not reporting consistently between the System page and the CPU Usage page. (Ref 2939071)
  • Fixed an issue where, when there are multiple processes with the same name running on a target, and the processes are sorted in descending order, the order of those duplicate processes were sorted with ascending PID numbers. (Ref 2374517)
  • Fixed a bug in the System Profiler's CPU Usage view where the first state of some threads was sometimes not billed correctly. (Ref 2955552)

Starting the IDE

To start the IDE:
  • On Windows, choose QNX Software Systems > QNX Momentics from the Start menu, or use the desktop icon.
  • On Linux, run IDE_base_dir/qde, where IDE_base_dir is where you installed the IDE package.

Getting started with the documentation

The QNX SDP 8.0 documentation is found on our public website at https://www.qnx.com/developers/docs/8.0/#com.qnx.doc.qnxsdp.nav/topic/bookset.html.

This roadmap page contains links to the various booksets for the QNX OS. For a short tutorial that will help you set up a QNX OS target and run a simple program, see the Quickstart Guide. Then you can refer to the other key documents (QNX OS System Architecture, Programmer's Guide, C Library Reference, and more) to learn about how the QNX OS is designed and how to write programs that run on it.


To obtain technical support for any QNX product, visit the Support area on our website: https://blackberry.qnx.com/en/support. You'll find a range of support options.

For product experience and roadmap information, please contact QNX Product Management.

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