QNX Momentics IDE 8.0 (Build 2027): Release Notes

The QNX® Momentics IDE 8.0 is built on top of Eclipse 2023-06 and supports the features of QNX SDP 8.0.

Momentics IDE 8.0

Date of this edition: December 1, 2023
You can install the IDE on the following development hosts:
  • Microsoft Windows 10/11 Pro 64-bit
  • Ubuntu 20.04 or 22.04 (x86_64)
  • RedHat Enterprise Linux Version 9

You cannot update a previous installation of Momentics IDE to Momentics IDE 8.0; you have to install Momentics IDE 8.0 by doing a new installation. To install a new Momentics IDE instance, select Add Installation.


What's new in QNX Momentics IDE 8.0?

The major changes are:

  • Support for QNX SDP 8.0 (including updated command-line tool support)
  • Support for Java 17
  • Built on Eclipse Platform 4.28 and CDT 11.2 (Eclipse SimRel 2023-06)
  • Compliant to the C11, C17, C++17 and C++20 standards (IDE editor)
  • Third-party plugins have been updated to fix any known security issues

The IDE is backwards compatible. It supports command-line tools and runtimes from previous versions, including QNX SDP 7.0 and 7.1.

Removed features

Mac support:

Support for macOS has been removed.

Some Memory Analysis features are removed:

The lib allocator is replaced with ptmalloc. The supporting library librcheck has been re-written to accommodate this. Accordingly, the Bins, Bands, and Usage tabs are removed from the Memory Analysis editor.

Changes to system information allocator tab:

In the Malloc Information view of the System Information perspective, Total Heap is renamed to Total Allocator Managed Memory. Memory distribution is no longer available. All charts except Overview History are removed. The stats for realloc are not available; only corealloc and corefree are available.

New features

Formatting of event changes:

The System Profiler has been adapted to support event formatting for QNX OS 8.0.

The memory values for Data, Code, and Stack are reconciled with pidin and multiple System Information panels:

The System Resources view has been updated. The Data and Code columns are now totals for the process. Separate columns called Program Data and Program Code have been added.

System Profiler Interrupt Summary:

When opening a trace in the System Profiler, in the System Activity Summary, the entry for interrupts outputs as 0. Interrupt Service Threads (ISTs) have replaced Interrupt Service Routines (ISRs) in QNX OS 8.0.

Fixed issues

Application Profiler view C++ function names look mangled:

  • When creating and building a C++ project with functions, the functions' names are mangled. (Ref 2940094)

    Solution: The function names appear correctly now.

Valgrind doesn't work out of the box:

  • When launching a project with Valgrind, the required libraries cannot be found. (Ref 2914511)

    Solution:The IDE now downloads all the required binaries to the target.

In Eclipse, special keys don't work after creating a new project:

  • When creating a new project, control keys like Enter, Backspace, or key combinations like Ctrl+A and Ctrl+V, don't work. (Ref 2887741)

    Solution: This is an Eclipse platform issue.

    Refer to the Eclipse bug tracker for more information.

gles2-gears does not compile in IDE:

  • If you import a non-IDE project that uses managed recursive makefiles, the IDE incorrectly modifies the makefiles. The project won't compile, and you'll see errors about variables not being resolved. (Ref 1685684)
    Workaround: Modify common.mk to include .qnx_internal.mk after all variable assignments. For example:
    INSTALLDIR=$(firstword $(INSTALLDIR_$(OS)) usr/bin)
    LIBS += EGL GLESv2 screen m
    include $(MKFILES_ROOT)/qmacros.mk
    ifndef QNX_INTERNAL
    include $(QNX_INTERNAL)
    include $(MKFILES_ROOT)/qtargets.mk

    This issue doesn't apply to projects that use managed recursive makefiles but are created in the IDE.

Hover-help for lib functions that pass functions is truncated:

  • If you try the hover-help for C library functions where the prototype includes a function as a parameter (e.g., atexit(), InterruptAttach(), pthread_create() ), the function prototype in the hover-help is truncated at the first closing bracket in the parameter list; this is the closing bracket for the function parameter, not the proper end of parameters list. (Ref 929140)

    Solution: Hover on functions works with no truncating of functions with closing brackets in their arguments.

Starting the IDE

To start the IDE:

  • On Windows, choose QNX Software Systems > QNX Momentics from the Start menu, or use the desktop icon.
  • On Linux, run IDE_base_dir/qde, where IDE_base_dir is where you installed the IDE package.

Getting started with the documentation

The QNX SDP 8.0 documentation is found on our public website at https://www.qnx.com/developers/docs/8.0/#com.qnx.doc.qnxsdp.nav/topic/bookset.html.

This roadmap page contains links to the various booksets for the QNX OS. For a short tutorial that will help you set up a QNX OS target and run a simple program, see the Quickstart Guide. Then you can refer to the other key documents (QNX OS System Architecture, Programmer's Guide, C Library Reference, and more) to learn about how the QNX OS is designed and how to write programs that run on it.

Technical support

To obtain technical support for any QNX product, visit the Support area on our website: https://blackberry.qnx.com/en/support. You'll find a range of support options.

For product experience and roadmap information, please contact QNX Product Management.

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