This chapter groups the datatypes and functions according to their purpose.
You can use this chapter to determine what you need
to perform a task.
This chapter includes the following sections:
The first two letters of a datatype's or function's name identify the chapter
in which it's described, as follows:
The following categories have been used to group the datatypes and functions:
- PtAppAddWorkProc()
- Add a WorkProc (background) function
- PtAppRemoveWorkProc()
- Remove a WorkProc processing function
- PtWorkProcF_t, PtWorkProc_t
- Pointer to a work procedure function
- PgDrawBitmap(),
- Draw a bitmap
- PgDrawImage(),
- Draw an image
- PgDrawPhImagemx()
- Draw an image that's contained in a PhImage_t structure
- PgDrawTImage(),
- Draw an image with a transparency mask
- PgDrawRepBitmap(),
- Draw a bitmap several times
- PgDrawRepImage(),
- Draw an image several times
- PhImage_t
- Data and characteristics of an image
- PhMakeGhostBitmap()
- Create a ghost bitmap for an image
- PhMakeTransBitmap()
- Create a transparency mask for an image
- PhReleaseImage()
- Release allocated members of an image structure
- PxCRC()
- Calculate a CRC for a block of data
- PxLoadImage()
- Read or query a graphic file
- PhBlit()
- Blit an area within a region
- PxTerminalBuildCharsets()
- Create character set tables based on translation tables
- PxTerminalLoadCharsets()
- Load character-set information from a file
- PxTerminalSaveCharsets()
- Save character-set information in a file
- PxTranslateFromUTF()
- Translate characters from Unicode UTF-8
- PxTranslateList()
- Create a list of all supported character translations
- PxTranslateSet()
- Install a new character set translation
- PxTranslateStateFromUTF()
- Translate characters from UTF-8, using an internal state buffer
- PxTranslateStateToUTF()
- Translate characters to UTF-8, using an internal state buffer
- PxTranslateToUTF()
- Translate characters to UTF-8
- PxTranslateUnknown()
- Control how unknown encodings are handled
- PhClipboardCopy()
- Copy data to the clipboard
- PhClipboardCopyString()
- Copy string-only data to the clipboard
- PhClipboardPasteFinish()
- Release all memory associated with a paste operation
- PhClipboardPasteStart()
- Begin a paste operation
- PhClipboardPasteString()
- Paste string-only data from the clipboard
- PhClipboardPasteType()
- Search clipboard for an entry by type
- PhClipboardPasteTypeN()
- Search clipboard for an entry by order
- PhClipHeader
- Clipboard header structure
- PgSetClipping()
- Limit the extent of drawing
- PgSetMultiClip()
- Set a list of rectangles to clip drawing
- PgSetUserClip()
- Restrict subsequent draws
- PgSetUserClipAbsolute()
- Restrict subsequent draws
- PtWidgetVisibleExtent()
- Calculate the visible portion of a widget
- PgBackgroundShadings()
- Calculate top and bottom shading colors
- PgBlueValue()
- Extract the blue component from a color value
- PgCMY()
- Convert cyan, magenta, and yellow values to composite color format
- PgColor_t
- Composite color value
- PgColorHSV_t
- Hue-Saturation-Value color value
- PgColorMatch()
- Query for best colors matches
- PgGetPalette()
- Query for current color palette
- PgGray()
- Generate the RGB value for a shade of gray
- PgGrayValue()
- Extract color brightness
- PgGreenValue()
- Extract the green component from a color value
- PgHSV()
- Convert hue, saturation, and value to composite color format
- Convert HSV colors to RGB
- PgRedValue()
- Extract the red component from a color
- PgRGB()
- Convert red, green, and blue values to composite color format
- Convert RGB colors to HSV
- PxConfigClose()
- Close the current configuration file
- PxConfigDeleteEntry()
- Delete an entry from a configuration file
- PxConfigDeleteSection()
- Delete a section from a configuration file
- PxConfigForceEmptySection()
- Create an empty section in a configuration file
- PxConfigNextSection()
- Seek the beginning of the next section of a configuration file
- PxConfigNextString()
- Get the next entry in the current section
- PxConfigOpen()
- Open a configuration file
- PxConfigReadBool()
- Read a Boolean value from a configuration file
- PxConfigReadChar()
- Read a character parameter from a configuration file
- PxConfigReadInt()
- Read an integer parameter from a configuration file
- PxConfigReadLong()
- Read a long integer parameter from a configuration file
- PxConfigReadShort()
- Read a short integer parameter from a configuration file
- PxConfigReadString()
- Read a string parameter from a configuration file
- PxConfigSection()
- Seek the start of a given section in a configuration file
- PxConfigWriteBool()
- Write a Boolean parameter in a configuration file
- PxConfigWriteChar()
- Write a character parameter in a configuration file
- PxConfigWriteInt()
- Write an integer parameter in a configuration file
- PxConfigWriteLong()
- Write a long integer parameter in a configuration file
- PxConfigWriteShort()
- Write a short integer parameter in a configuration file
- PxConfigWriteString()
- Write a string parameter in a configuration file
- PgClearTranslation()
- Restore the current translation to the default
- PgSetTranslation()
- Translate draw commands horizontally and vertically
- PtDeTranslateRect()
- Detranslate a rectangle (subtract offset)
- PtTranslateRect()
- Translate a rectangle (add offset)
- PhMoveCursorAbs()
- Move cursor to absolute position
- PhMoveCursorRel()
- Move cursor to relative position
- PhQueryCursor()
- Collect cursor information
- PtAddData()
- Add data to the provided data chain
- PtFindData()
- Find the first data block of a given type and subtype
- PtFindNextData()
- Find the next data block of a given type and subtype
- PtRemoveData()
- Remove a link from a data chain
- PtUnlinkData()
- Remove the provided data link from the data chain
- PhInitDrag()
- Initiate a drag operation
- PhDCGetCurrent()
- Get the currently active Draw Context
- PhDCSetCurrent()
- Set the currently active Draw Context
- PgSetDrawMode()
- Set draw mode
- PgSetFont()
- Set text font
- PgSetPalette()
- Set the color palette
- PgSetPlaneMask()
- Protect video memory from being modified
- PgSetTextColor()
- Set text color
- PgSetTextDither()
- Set text dither pattern
- PgSetTextTransPat()
- Set draw transparency
- PgSetTextXORColor()
- Set a color for XOR drawing
- PgSetUnderline()
- Set colors for underlining text
- PgSetFillColor()
- Set exact fill color
- PgSetFillDither()
- Set specific dither pattern and colors
- PgSetFillTransPat()
- Set draw transparency
- PgSetFillXORColor()
- Set a color for XOR drawing
- PgSetStrokeCap()
- Set what the ends of lines look like
- PgSetStrokeColor()
- Set the color of subsequent outlines
- PgSetStrokeDash()
- Set dashed lines
- PgSetStrokeDither()
- Apply a color pattern to outlines
- PgSetStrokeFWidth()
- Set line thickness
- PgSetStrokeJoin()
- Set how lines are joined
- PgSetStrokeTransPat()
- Use a masking pattern to set draw transparency on outlines
- PgSetStrokeXORColor()
- Use the XOR of a color to draw outlines
- PgSetStrokeWidth()
- Set line thickness
- PhEvent_t
- Data structure describing an event
- PhEventArm()
- Arm the currently attached Photon channel
- PhEventEmit()
- Emit an event
- PhEventEmitmx()
- Emit an event when the event-specific data isn't contiguous in memory
- PhEventNext()
- Provide synchronous event notification
- PhEventPeek()
- Check to see if an event is pending
- PhEventRead()
- Provide asynchronous event notification
- PhEventRegion_t
- Emitter and collector of an event
- PhGetData()
- Get data for an event
- PhGetMsgSize()
- Get message size
- PhGetRects()
- Get an event's rectangle set
- PhKeyEvent_t
- Data structure describing a key event
- PhTimerArm()
- Arm a timer event
- PhWindowEvent_t
- Data structure describing a window action
- PtAddEventHandler()
- Add a single Pt_CB_RAW entry to a widget
- PtAddEventHandlers()
- Add several Pt_CB_RAW entries to a widget
- PtBkgdHandlerProcess()
- Process all outstanding Photon events
- PtEventHandler()
- Determine the widgets involved in an event
- PtForwardWindowEvent()
- Forward a window event
- PtMainLoop()
- Implement an application main loop
- PtProcessEvent()
- Standard Photon event-handling function
- PtRemoveEventHandler()
- Remove a single Pt_CB_RAW entry from a widget
- PtRemoveEventHandlers()
- Remove several Pt_CB_RAW entries from a widget
- PtResizeEventMsg()
- Resize the event buffer
- PtSendEventToWidget()
- Give an event to a widget
- PtTimerArm()
- Arm a timer event on a widget
- PfAttach()
- Attach to a font server
- PfDetach()
- Detach from a font server
- PfExtentComponents()
- Calculate the extent of a text string and invoke a callback
- PfExtentText()
- Calculate the extent rectangle of a text string
- PfFractionalExtentText()
- Calculate the extent rectangle of a text string, using fractional scaling
- PfFractionalRenderText()
- Render a string, using fractional scaling, via a callback function
- PfGlyph()
- Obtain the metrics and/or bitmap for the specified character
- PfLoadFont()
- Preload a font within the font server
- PfLoadMetrics()
- Load metric information for the given font
- PfQueryFont()
- Get information about a font
- PfQueryFonts()
- Construct a list of fonts
- PfRenderText()
- Render a string via a callback function
- PfUnloadMetrics()
- Unload metric information for the given font
- PtFontSelection()
- Create a font-selection dialog
- PhArea_t
- Position and dimensions of a rectangular area
- PhDim_t
- Dimensions of an area
- PhPoint_t
- Coordinates of a single point
- PhRect_t
- Coordinates of a rectangle
- PtRectIntersect()
- Find the intersection of two rectangles
- PtRectUnion()
- Find the union of two rectangles
- PgClearDrawBuffer()
- Reset the current draw buffer
- PgCreateGC()
- Allocate a graphics context
- PgDefaultFill()
- Reset fill attribute to its default value
- PgDefaultGC()
- Reset all graphics context attributes to their default system values
- PgDefaultMode()
- Reset draw mode and plane mask to their default values
- PgDefaultStroke()
- Reset stroke attribute to its system default
- PgDefaultText()
- Reset text attribute to its system default
- PgDestroyGC()
- Release resources of a graphics context
- PgFlush(),
- Explicitly flush the current draw buffer
- PgGetGC()
- Get current graphics context
- PgSetDrawBufferSize()
- Resize a draw buffer
- PgSetGC()
- Set current graphics context
- PgSetRegion()
- Determine which region will emit draw events
- PtAppAddFd()
- Add a file-descriptor function
- PtAppAddFdPri()
- Add a file-descriptor function, specifying a priority
- PtAppRemoveFd()
- Remove a file-descriptor function
- PtAppSetFdMode()
- Change the mode that's of interest to an FD handler
- PtPulseArmFd()
- Create a pulse message to be sent to another process
- PtFileSelection()
- Create a file-selection dialog
- PtFdProcF_t, PtFdProc_t
- Pointer to a file-descriptor function
- PhChannelAttach()
- Create or attach a channel
- PtAppAddInput()
- Add an input processing function
- PtAppCreatePulse()
- Create a Photon pulse
- PtAppDeletePulse()
- Delete a Photon pulse
- PtAppPulseTrigger()
- Deliver a pulse to yourself
- PtAppRemoveInput()
- Remove an input processing entry
- PtChannelCreate()
- Make sure the widget library is using a channel
- PtGetRcvidPid()
- Get the process ID (PID) from the receive ID (RCVID)
- PtInputCallbackProcF_t, PtInputCallbackProc_t
- Pointer to a input callback function
- PtPulseArmFd()
- Create a pulse message to be sent to another process
- PtPulseArmPid()
- Create a pulse message to be sent to another process
- PtPulseDeliver()
- Send a pulse to another process
- PtPulseDisarm()
- Release resources allocated for a pulse message
- PtReattach()
- Send an application through the jump gate
- PxCRC()
- Calculate a cyclic redundancy check for a block of data
- PhKeyToMb()
- Get the UTF-8 value of a key event
- PhTo8859_1()
- Get the ISO8859-1 value of a key event
- PmMemCreateMC()
- Create a memory context
- PmMemFlush()
- Flush a memory context
- PmMemReleaseMC()
- Release a memory context
- PmMemSetChunkSize()
- Set the increment for growing a memory context's draw buffer
- PmMemSetMaxBufSize()
- Set the maximum size of a memory context's draw buffer
- PmMemSetType()
- Set the type of a memory context
- PmMemStart()
- Make a memory context active
- PmMemStop()
- Deactivate a memory context
- ApError()
- Display an error message dialog
- PtAskQuestion()
- Display a question and request a response from the user
- PtMessageBox()
- Pop up a message box
- PtModalEnd()
- Terminate modal-window processing
- PtModalStart()
- Initiate modal-window processing
- PtProcessEvent()
- Standard Photon event-handling function
These functions can be used only by applications made with the Photon
Application Builder.
- ApCreateModule()
- Create an instance of modules built with PhAB
- ApGetInstance()
- Get the module link instance pointer for a widget
- ApGetWidgetPtr()
- Get the instance pointer for a widget in a given module
- ApModuleFunction()
- Specify the setup function for a PhAB internal link callback
- ApModuleLocation()
- Specify the module location for a PhAB internal link
- ApModuleParent()
- Specify the parent for a window module
- ApWidget()
- Determine the widget that initiated a link callback
- mbstrblen()
- Find the number of multibyte characters in part of a string
- mbstrchr()
- Search for a multibyte character in a string
- mbstrlen()
- Find the length of a multibyte-character string
- mbstrnchr()
- Search for a multibyte character in part of a string
- mbstrncmp()
- Compare part of a multibyte-character string
- mbstrnlen()
- Find the number of bytes used by n characters of a
multibyte-character string
- mbstrrchr()
- Search backwards for a multibyte character in a string
- PtWidgetHelpHit()
- Find the first widget at a given position that has a help topic
- PxHelpQuit()
- Exit the Helpviewer
- PxHelpSearch()
- Search for text in help information
- PxHelpTopic()
- Display the help text identified by the given topic path
- PxHelpTopicRoot()
- Specify the root of help topic paths
- PxHelpTopicTree()
- Load a new help topic tree
- PxHelpUrl()
- Display the help text at the given URL
- PxHelpUrlRoot()
- Display help text relative to the given URL
These functions can be used only by applications made with the Photon
Application Builder.
- ApBitmap_t
- PhAB bitmap structure
- ApInfo_t
- PhAB information structure
- ApInstanceName()
- Return the widget's instance name string
- ApName()
- Return a PhAB name value for the specified widget
- ApResClose()
- Close the file of module resource records
- PhAttach()
- Open a communications channel
- PhDetach()
- Free all resources consumed by a Photon channel
- PhReattach()
- Change the current Photon channel
- PtReattach()
- Send an application through the jump gate
- PgDrawArc()
- Draw an arc, pie, or chord
- PgDrawBevelBox(),
- Draw a beveled box
- PgDrawBeveled()
- Draw a beveled rectangle or arrow
- PgDrawBezier(),
- Draw a stroked and/or filled Bézier curve
- PgDrawBitmap(),
- Draw a bitmap
- PgDrawEllipse()
- Draw an ellipse
- PgDrawGrid()
- Draw a grid
- PgDrawImage(),
- Draw an image
- PgDrawLine(),
- Draw a single line
- PgDrawPixel(),
- Draw a single point
- PgDrawPixelArray(),
- Draw multiple points
- PgDrawPolygon(),
- Draw a stroked and/or filled polygon
- PgDrawRect(),
- Draw a rectangle
- PgDrawRepBitmap(),
- Draw a bitmap several times
- PgDrawRepImage(),
- Draw an image several times
- PgDrawRoundRect()
- Draw a rounded rectangle
- PgDrawSpan(),
- Draw a list of spans
- PgDrawString(),
- Draw a string of characters
- PgDrawText(),
- Draw text
- PgDrawTextArea()
- Draw text within an area
- PgDrawTextChars()
- Draw the specified number of text characters
- PgDrawTrend(),
- Draw a trend graph
- PpLoadPrinter()
- Initialize a print context with information for a given printer
- PpPrintClose()
- Close a print context
- PpPrintCreatePC()
- Create a print context
- PpPrintGetPC()
- Extract data from a print context
- PpPrintNewPage()
- Place a page break in the draw stream for a print context
- PpPrintOpen()
- Prepare for printing
- PpPrintReleasePC()
- Release a print context
- PpPrintSetPC()
- Set data in a print context
- PpPrintStart()
- Make a print context the active one
- PpPrintStop()
- Deactivate a print context
- PpPrintWidget()
- Print a widget
- PtPrintSelection()
- Create a print-selection dialog
- PtSpawn()
- Spawn a new process
- PtSpawnDeleteCallback()
- Remove a child-termination callback
- PtSpawnSetCallback()
- Change the callback in a PtSpawn() control structure
- PtSpawnWait()
- Spawn a process and wait for its termination
- PhQueryRids()
- Get a list of regions
- PhRegion_t
- A region
- PhRegionChange()
- Change the definition of a region
- PhRegionClose()
- Remove a region
- PhRegionDataFindType()
- Find a data type within a region's data
- PhRegionDataHdr_t
- Data that's attached to a region
- PhRegionOpen()
- Open a region
- PhRegionQuery()
- Retrieve information about a region
- PtQuerySystemInfo()
- Query the system for information
- PtWidgetRid()
- Get a widget's region ID
- PgShmemAttach()
- Record a shared memory reference
- PgShmemCleanup()
- Remove shared memory references
- PgShmemCreate()
- Create a block of shared memory
- PgShmemDestroy()
- Remove a block of shared memory
- PgShmemDetach()
- Remove a shared memory reference
- PtAppAddSignalProc()
- Add Photon signalling to a context
- PtAppRemoveSignal()
- Remove specific signal handling from a context
- PtAppRemoveSignalProc()
- Remove Photon signalling from a context
- PtSignalProcF_t, PtSignalProc_t
- Pointer to a signal-handling function
- ApAppendTranslation()
- Append external translation files to an application's translation list
- ApGetTextRes()
- Get a translated text string from a widget database
- ApSetTranslation()
- Change the current translation to another language
- PhGetConnectId()
- Get the connection ID of the calling process
- PhGetConnectInfo()
- Get information about a Photon channel
- PhQueryCursor()
- Collect cursor information
- PhQuerySystemInfo()
- Query the system for information about a given region
- PtQuerySystemInfo()
- Query the system for information about a given widget
- PgExtentText()
- Calculate the extent of a string of text
- PgSetFont()
- Set text font
- PgSetTextColor()
- Set text color
- PgSetTextDither()
- Set text dither pattern
- PgSetTextTransPat()
- Set draw transparency
- PgSetTextXORColor()
- Set a color for XOR drawing
- PgSetUnderline()
- Set colors for underlining text
See also the
convenience functions.
- PhAddMergeTiles()
- Merge two list tiles, eliminating overlap
- PhClipTilings()
- Clip one list of tiles from another
- PhCoalesceTiles()
- Combine a list of tiles
- PhCopyTiles()
- Copy a list of tiles
- PhDeTranslateTiles()
- Subtract x and y offsets from the vertices of a list of tiles
- PhFreeTiles()
- Return a list of tiles to the internal tile pool
- PhGetTile()
- Retrieve a tile from the internal tile pool
- PhIntersectTilings()
- Determine the intersection of two lists of tiles
- PhMergeTiles()
- Remove all overlap from a list of tiles
- PhRectsToTiles()
- Create a list of tiles from an array of rectangles
- PhSortTiles()
- Sort a list of tiles
- PhTile_t
- A list of rectangles
- PhTilesToRects()
- Create an array of rectangles from a list of tiles
- PhTranslateTiles()
- Add x and y offsets to the vertices of a list of tiles
- wctolower()
- Return the lowercase equivalent of a wide character
- PtAddCallback()
- Add a single callback entry to a callback list
- PtAddCallbacks()
- Add several callback entries to a callback list
- PtAddEventHandler()
- Add a single Pt_CB_RAW entry to a widget
- PtAddEventHandlers()
- Add several Pt_CB_RAW entries to a widget
- PtAddHotkeyHandler()
- Add a single hotkey handler entry to a widget
- PtBalloonCallback_t
- Balloon callback structure
- see the Photon Widget Reference
- PtCallback_t
- Regular callback structure
- see the Photon Widget Reference
- PtCallbackInfo_t
- Specific callback information
- see the Photon Widget Reference
- PtHotkeyCallback_t
- Hotkey handler structure
- see the Photon Widget Reference
- PtRawCallback_t
- Event handler structure
- see the Photon Widget Reference
- PtRemoveCallback()
- Remove a single callback entry from a callback list
- PtRemoveCallbacks()
- Remove several callback entries from a callback list
- PtRemoveEventHandler()
- Remove a single Pt_CB_RAW entry from a widget
- PtRemoveEventHandlers()
- Remove several Pt_CB_RAW entries from a widget
- PtRemoveHotkeyHandler()
- Remove a single hotkey handler entry from a widget
- PtWidgetClass()
- Return the class of a widget
- PtWidgetIsClass()
- Determine whether a widget is a specific class type
- PtWidgetIsClassMember()
- Determine whether a widget belongs to a specified class
- Pt_ARG()
- Macro for creating statically initialized argument lists
- PtClearWidget()
- Destroy all widgets within a container
- PtCreateWidget()
- Create a widget
- PtDestroyWidget()
- Remove a widget from the widget hierarchy
- PtInflateBalloon()
- Create a balloon widget
- PtSetArg()
- Build argument lists for widgets
These functions are described in the Building Custom Widgets.
- PtAddWidgetData()
- Add data to the widget data chain
- PtAnchorWidget()
- Anchor the provided widget
- PtApplyAnchors()
- Anchor a widget and its children
- PtAttemptResize()
- Adjust the size of a widget
- PtCalcAnchorOffsets()
- Update the anchoring values (rules) for the given widget
- PtCalcRegion()
- Determine whether or not a widget needs a region
- PtChildBoundingBox()
- Calculate a widget's canvas and its children's bounding boxes
- PtClipAdd()
- Add a clipping rectangle to the stack
- PtClipRemove()
- Take a clipping rectangle off the stack
- PtCompoundRedirect()
- Redirect widgets to a parent
- PtContainerChildRedirect()
- Set the pointer to the child-redirector function
- PtContainerDeregister()
- Deregister a container from its parent
- PtContainerRegister()
- Register a container with its parent
- PtCoreChangeRegion()
- Determine if a region is required
- PtCreateWidgetClass()
- Create a widget class
- PtDamageExposed()
- Damage the specified widgets
- PtDestroyCallbackList()
- Free the specified callbacks
- PtDestroyHotkeyCallbacks()
- Free the specified hotkey callbacks
- PtDestroyRawCallbacks()
- Free the specified raw callbacks
- PtFindNextWidgetData()
- Find the next appropriate data block
- PtFindResourceRecord()
- Find the record associated with a resource
- PtFindWidgetData()
- Find the first data block of a given type and subtype
- PtGetAnchoredExtent()
- Calculate a new anchor rectangle
- PtGetStruct()
- Retrieve the specified resource
- PtInvokeCallbackList()
- Invoke a callback list
- PtInvokeResizeCallbacks()
- Invoke the resize callbacks of the specified container
- PtMoveResizeWidget()
- Synchronize a widget's extent
- PtRemoveWidgetData()
- Remove data from the widget data chain
- PtResizePolicy()
- Determine whether a widget has a resize policy
- PtSetExtentFromArea()
- Calculate the extent of a widget
- PtSetStruct()
- Set the specified resource
- PtSetValue()
- Set the value of a resource using mod_f
- PtSuperClassCalcOpaque()
- Call the Calc Opaque Rect method of the specified superclass
- PtSuperClassChildCreated()
- Invoke a Child Created method
- PtSuperClassChildDestroyed()
- Invoke a Child Destroyed method
- PtSuperClassChildGettingFocus()
- Invoke a Child Getting Focus method
- PtSuperClassChildGettingResources()
- Invoke a Child Getting Resources method
- PtSuperClassChildLosingFocus()
- Invoke a Child Losing Focus method
- PtSuperClassChildMovedResized()
- Invoke a Child Moved/Resized method
- PtSuperClassChildRealized()
- Invoke a Child Realized method
- PtSuperClassChildSettingResources()
- Invoke a Child Setting Resources method
- PtSuperClassChildUnrealized()
- Invoke a Child Unrealized method
- PtSuperClassConnect(),
- Invoke the Connection method of the specified widget class
- PtSuperClassDraw()
- Invoke the Draw method of the specified superclass
- PtSuperClassExtent()
- Invoke the Extent method of the specified superclass
- PtSuperClassGetResources()
- Get the specified resource
- PtSuperClassGotFocus()
- Invoke the Got Focus method of the specified superclass
- PtSuperClassInit(),
- Invoke the Initialize method of the specified widget class
- PtSuperClassLostFocus()
- Invoke the Lost Focus method of the specified superclass
- PtSuperClassRawEvent(),
- Invoke the raw callback list of the specified widget class
- PtSuperClassRealized()
- Invoke the Realization method of the specified widget class
- PtSuperClassSetResources()
- Set resources
- PtUpdateVisibility()
- Tell the widget library about a change in visibility
- PtWidgetAbove()
- Identify the position of a widget in the hierarchy relative to
another widget
- PtDamageExtent()
- Mark an area of a widget as damaged so that it will be redrawn
- PtDamageWidget()
- Mark a widget as damaged so it will be redrawn
- PtEndFlux()
- Decrement the global and container flux count
- PtIsFluxing()
- Determine whether a container or its family is in flux
- PtStartFlux()
- Increment the global and container flux count
These functions can be used only by applications made with the Photon
Application Builder.
- ApAddClass()
- Indicate the widgets likely to be encountered in a widget database
- ApCloseDBase()
- Close a widget database
- ApCopyWidget()
- Copy a widget from a PhAB widget database
- ApCreateWidget()
- Create a widget by copying it from a PhAB widget database
- ApCreateWidgetFamily()
- Create a widget by copying it from a PhAB widget database
- ApDeleteWidget()
- Remove widgets from a widget database
- ApFreeBitmapRes()
- Free a bitmap resource structure
- ApGetBitmapRes()
- Extract bitmap data from a widget in a widget database
- ApGetImageRes()
- Extract the image data from a widget in a widget database
- ApGetTextRes()
- Get a translated text string from a widget database
- ApOpenDBase()
- Open a picture module as a widget database
- ApOpenDBaseFile()
- Open a picture module as a widget database
- ApSaveDBaseFile()
- Save a widget database as an external file
- PtChildType()
- Determine the relationship between two widgets
- PtCreateWidget()
- Create a widget
- PtFindChildClass()
- Find the first child that matches the specified class
- PtFindChildClassMember()
- Find the first child that's a subclass of the specified class
- PtFindContainer()
- Return the nearest container parent
- PtFindDisjoint()
- Return the nearest disjoint parent widget
- PtFindFocusChild()
- Find the closest focusable child widget
- PtFindGuardian()
- Find the widget responsible for another widget's actions
- PtGetParent()
- Find the nearest widget with the same parent class
- PtGetParentWidget()
- Return the current default widget parent
- PtNextTopLevelWidget()
- Get a pointer to the next top-level widget
- PtReParentWidget()
- "Reparent" a widget to a new container
- PtSetParentWidget()
- Set the current parent widget
- PtValidParent()
- Identify a valid parent for a widget
- PtWidgetBrotherBehind()
- Get the brother behind a widget
- PtWidgetBrotherInFront()
- Get the brother in front of a widget
- PtWidgetChildBack()
- Get the child that's farthest back in a container
- PtWidgetChildFront()
- Get the child at the very front of a container
- PtWidgetFamily()
- Traverse the widget hierarchy
- PtWidgetInsert()
- Insert a widget in the widget family hierarchy
- PtWidgetParent()
- Get a widget's parent
- PtWidgetSkip()
- Skip to a widget in the next hierarchy
- PtWidgetToBack()
- Move a widget behind all its brothers
- PtWidgetToFront()
- Move a widget in front of all its brothers
- PtWidgetTree()
- Walk the widget tree from front to back
- PtWidgetTreeTraverse()
- Walk the widget family hierarchy from front to back
- PtContainerBox()
- Find the next widget in an area
- PtContainerHit()
- Find the nth widget in an area
- PtHit()
- Identify a widget in the specified container
- PtContainerFindFocus()
- Find the widget that currently has focus
- PtContainerFocusNext()
- Give focus to the next Pt_GETS_FOCUS widget within the same container
- PtContainerFocusPrev()
- Give focus to the previous Pt_GETS_FOCUS widget within the same container
- PtContainerGiveFocus()
- Give focus to a widget
- PtContainerNullFocus()
- Truncate the focus chain at the specified widget
- PtFindFocusChild()
- Find the closest focusable child widget
- PtGlobalFocusNext()
- Give focus to next widget
- PtGlobalFocusNextContainer()
- Give focus to another container's widget
- PtGlobalFocusNextFrom()
- Give focus to the next widget behind the specified widget
- PtGlobalFocusPrev()
- Give focus to previous widget
- PtGlobalFocusPrevContainer()
- Give focus to widget in previous container
- PtGlobalFocusPrevFrom()
- Give focus to widget previous to the specified widget
- PtIsFocused()
- Determine to what degree a widget is focused
- PtBasicWidgetCanvas()
- Determine the PtBasic canvas for a widget
- PtCalcAbsPosition()
- Calculate the position of a widget based on a position and another
- PtExtentWidget()
- Force a widget to calculate its extent
- PtExtentWidgetFamily()
- Force a widget and its children to calculate their extents
- PtGetAbsPosition()
- Get the absolute position of a widget
- PtLabelWidgetCanvas()
- Determine the PtLabel canvas for a widget
- PtSetAreaFromExtent()
- Set the extent of a widget
- PtSetAreaFromWidgetCanvas()
- Set the canvas of a widget
- PtWidgetArea()
- Retrieve a copy of a widget's area
- PtWidgetCanvas()
- Determine the PtWidget canvas for a widget
- PtWidgetDim()
- Retrieve a copy of a widget's dimension
- PtWidgetExtent()
- Get a widget's extent
- PtWidgetOffset()
- Find the offset of a widget's origin from its disjoint parent
- PtWidgetVisibleExtent()
- Calculate the visible portion of a widget
- PtAppInit()
- Initialize an application and create the main window
- PtInit()
- Initialize the widget library
These functions can be used only with menu modules created in PhAB:
- ApGetItemText()
- Get the text for a menu item
- ApModifyItemState()
- Modify the state of menu items
- ApModifyItemText()
- Modify the text for a menu item
This function is to be used with a PtMenu widget:
- PtPositionMenu()
- Set a menu's position
These functions are described in the Photon Widget Reference.
- PtComboBoxListOpen()
- Open a combobox list
- PtComboBoxListClose()
- Close an open combobox list
These functions are described in the Photon Widget Reference.
- PtFSAddAfter()
- Insert an item after the specified item
- PtFSAddFirst()
- Add a root item to the widget
- PtFSAllItems()
- Fill a buffer with pointers to all items
- PtFSAllocItem()
- Create an item for a file-selector widget
- PtFSClearSelection()
- Clear the selection
- PtFSDamageItem()
- Redraw an item
- PtFSExpandParents()
- If any ancestors of the given item are collapsed, this function
tries to expand them.
- PtFSFolderCollapse()
- Collapse an expandable item (directory)
- PtFSFolderExpand()
- Expand an expandable item (directory)
- PtFSFreeAllItems()
- Unlink and free all items
- PtFSFreeItems()
- Free an unlinked item
- PtFSGetCurrent()
- Get the current item
- PtFSGetSelIndexes()
- Fill a buffer with indexes
- PtFSGoto()
- Set the current item
- PtFSItemIndex()
- Calculate the index of the specified item
- PtFSRemoveChildren()
- Unlink all the children of a given item
- PtFSRemoveItem()
- Unlink an item
- PtFSRemoveList()
- Unlink the root item
- PtFSRootItem()
- Return the first root item of the file selector
- PtFSSelect()
- Select the specified item
- PtFSSelectedItems()
- Fill a buffer with item pointers
- PtFSSetSelIndexes()
- Set the selection indexes
- PtFSShow()
- Set the position so that the specified item is visible
- PtFSUnselect()
- Unselect the specified item
- PtFSUnselectNonBrothers()
- Unselect all items that aren't siblings of the specified item
These functions are described in the Photon Widget Reference.
- PtGenListCreateTextBalloon()
- Create a popup balloon for an item in the list
- PtGenListItem_t
- PtGenList item structure
- PtGenListSetColumnBalloon()
- Adjust the balloon text to correspond to a given column
These functions are described in the Building Custom Widgets.
- PtGenListAddItems()
- Add items to a list
- PtGenListAllItems()
- Get pointers to all the items in a list
- PtGenListClearSelection()
- Clear the selection
- PtGenListDamageItem()
- Redraw an item when its data has been changed
- PtGenListDrawBackground()
- Draw the background of a list
- PtGenListDrawString()
- Draw a string
- PtGenListFirstItem()
- Return a pointer to the first item in a list
- PtGenListGetCurrent()
- Return a pointer to the current item in a list
- PtGenListGetSelIndexes()
- Get the indexes of the selected items
- PtGenListGoto()
- Set the current item so that the new current item is visible
- PtGenListHold()
- Prevent visible repair of a list widget
- PtGenListItemIndex()
- Find the index of an item
- PtGenListItemRealloc()
- Reallocate memory for an item
- PtGenListLastItem()
- Return a pointer to the last item in a list
- PtGenListLockItem()
- Lock an item so it can be resized
- PtGenListRelease()
- Release a hold on visible repairs of a list widget
- PtGenListRemoveItems()
- Remove items from a list
- PtGenListResize()
- Resize a list widget
- PtGenListSelect()
- Select an item in a list
- PtGenListSelectedItems()
- Get pointers to the selected items
- PtGenListSetGflags()
- Modify the gflags field of the widget
- PtGenListSetSelIndexes()
- Set the selection indexes
- PtGenListShow()
- Set the current position so a given item is visible
- PtGenListUnlockItem()
- Unlock an item so it can be updated
- PtGenListUnselect()
- Unselect an item in a list
- PtSuperClassGenListDraw()
- Invoke the Draw List method in a superclass
- PtSuperClassGenListInflate()
- Invoke the List Inflate method in a superclass
- PtSuperClassGenListKey()
- Invoke the List Key method in a superclass
- PtSuperClassGenListMouse()
- Invoke the List Mouse method in a superclass
- PtSuperClassGenListSelect()
- Invoke the List Select method in a superclass
This data structure is described in the Photon Widget Reference.
- PtGenTreeItem_t
- PtGenTree item structure
These functions are described in the Building Custom Widgets.
- PtGenTreeAddAfter()
- Add items after a given item
- PtGenTreeAddFirst()
- Add items in front of any existing items
- PtGenTreeAllItems()
- Get pointers to all the items in the tree
- PtGenTreeClearSelection()
- Clear the selection
- PtGenTreeCollapse()
- Collapse a subtree
- PtGenTreeDamageItem()
- Redraw an item when its data has changed
- PtGenTreeExpand()
- Expand a given subtree
- PtGenTreeExpandParents()
- Expand any collapsed ancestors of a given item
- PtGenTreeFreeAllItems()
- Free all the items in a tree
- PtGenTreeFreeItems()
- Free the items in a subtree
- PtGenTreeGetCurrent()
- Get a pointer to the current item
- PtGenTreeGetSelIndexes()
- Get the indexes of the selected items
- PtGenTreeGoto()
- Set the current item and position so that a given item is visible
- PtGenTreeItemIndex()
- Calculate the index of a given item
- PtGenTreeItemRealloc()
- Reallocate an item
- PtGenTreeItemResize()
- Resize an item
- PtGenTreeRemoveChildren()
- Unlink all the children of a given item
- PtGenTreeRemoveItem()
- Remove a given item and its children from its parents and siblings
- PtGenTreeRemoveList()
- Remove a given items and its siblings from their parent
- PtGenTreeResize()
- Resize many items
- PtGenTreeRootItem()
- Get a pointer to the first root item
- PtGenTreeSelect()
- Select a given item
- PtGenTreeSelectedItems()
- Get pointers to the selected items
- PtGenTreeSetSelIndexes()
- Set the selection indexes
- PtGenTreeShow()
- Set the current position so that a given item is visible
- PtGenTreeUnselect()
- Unselect a given item
- PtGenTreeUnselectNonBrothers()
- Unselect all items that aren't siblings of a given item
- PtSuperClassGenTreeDrawItem()
- Invoke the Tree Draw Item method of a given superclass
- PtSuperClassGenTreeItemState()
- Invoke the Tree Item State method of a superclass
These functions are described in the Photon Widget Reference.
- PtHtmlTitle()
- Return the title of an HTML file
- PtHtmlLink()
- Return links to related HTML documents
These functions are described in the Photon Widget Reference.
- PtListAddItems()
- Add one or more items to the list at a specified position
- PtListDeleteAllItems()
- Remove all the items from the list
- PtListDeleteItemPos()
- Delete a range of items by position
- PtListDeleteItems()
- Delete items in the list by name
- PtListGotoPos()
- Make the item at the specified position the current item and
display it.
- PtListItemExists()
- Determine whether or not an item exists within the list
- PtListItemPos()
- Determine the position of an item within the list
- PtListRemovePositions()
- Remove the items at the specified positions
- PtListReplaceItemPos()
- Replace items by position number
- PtListReplaceItems()
- Replace items by item text
- PtListSelectPos()
- Select the item at the specified position
- PtListShowPos()
- Display the item at the specified position
- PtListUnselectPos()
- Unselect the item at the specified position
This function is described in the Photon Widget Reference.
- PtMessageGetWindow()
- Get the widget pointer to the message's window
These functions are described in the Photon Widget Reference.
- PtMultiLines_t
- Structure for setting multiline text and attributes
- PtMultiTextAttributes_t
- Attributes for multiline text
- PtMultiTextCallback_t, PtMultiTextControl_t
- Information passed to PtMultiText callbacks
- PtMultiTextCreateAttributes()
- Initialize a multitext attribute structure
- PtMultiTextGetAttributes()
- Get the attributes of a PtMultiText widget
- PtMultiTextInfo()
- Get character/line information from a PtMultiText widget
- PtMultiTextInfo_t
- Information passed to PtMultiText callbacks
- PtMultiTextLine_t
- Information about a line of text in a PtMultiText
- PtMultiTextModifyAttributes()
- Modify the attributes of a PtMultiText widget
- PtMultiTextModifyText()
- Modify the contents of a PtMultiText widget
- PtMultiTextQuery_t
- Structure for getting information about a line or character
- PtMultiSegment_t
- Information about a segment of text in a PtMultiText
These functions are described in the Photon Widget Reference.
- PtTerminalCharset_t, PtTerminalCharsets_t
- Character sets used by PtTerminal
- PtTerminalCopy()
- Copy the current selection to the clipboard
- PtTerminalCreateCsXlat().
- Create a translation table for PtTerminal's character sets
- PtTerminalDefaultCharsets()
- Get the default character sets used by PtTerminal
- PtTerminalFont()
- Examine a font
- PtTerminalGetKeys()
- Get the terminal line-editing keys
- PtTerminalGetSelection()
- Get a copy of the current selection
- PtTerminalName()
- Get the terminal's termcap/terminfo name
- PtTerminalPasteClipboard()
- Paste the contents of the clipboard into the terminal
- PtTerminalPasteSelection()
- Paste the current selection into the terminal
- PtTerminalPut(),
PtTerminalPutc(), PtTerminalPuts()
- Output text to the terminal
- PtTerminalSelectWord()
- Select a word
These functions are described in the Photon Widget Reference.
- PtTextCallback_t, PtTextControl_t, PtTextControlInfo_t
- Information passed to PtText callbacks
- PtTextGetSelection()
- Get the selected range from a PtText widget
- PtTextModifyText()
- Modify the contents of a PtText widget
- PtTextSetSelection()
- Set the selected range for a PtText widget
These functions are described in the Photon Widget Reference.
- PtTreeAddAfter()
- Insert an item after the specified item
- PtTreeAddFirst()
- Add a root item to the widget, or add an item as the first child of
a specified item
- PtTreeAddImages()
- Add images to the PtTree's widgets image list
- PtTreeAllItems()
- Fill a buffer with pointers to all items
- PtTreeAllocItem()
- Allocate a new item
- PtTreeClearSelection()
- Clear the selection
- PtTreeCollapse()
- Collapse an expandable item
- PtTreeExpand()
- Expand an expandable item
- PtTreeFreeAllItems()
- Unlink and free all items
- PtTreeFreeItems()
- Free an unlinked item
- PtTreeGetCurrent()
- Get the current item
- PtTreeGetSelIndexes()
- Fill a buffer with indexes of selected items
- PtTreeGoto()
- Set the current item
- PtTreeItem_t
- PtTree item structure
- PtTreeItemIndex()
- Calculate the index of the specified item
- PtTreeModifyItem()
- Change item resources
- PtTreeRemoveChildren()
- Unlink the children of the specified item
- PtTreeRemoveItem()
- Unlink an item
- PtTreeRemoveList()
- Unlink the given item and any siblings that follow
- PtTreeRootItem()
- Return the first root item of the tree
- PtTreeSelect()
- Select the specified item
- PtTreeSelectedItems()
- Fill a buffer with pointers to the selected items
- PtTreeSetSelIndexes()
- Set the selection indexes
- PtTreeShow()
- Set the position so that the specified item is visible
- PtTreeUnselect()
- Unselect the specified item
- PtTreeUnselectNonBrothers()
- Unselect all items that aren't siblings of the specified item
This function is described in the Photon Widget Reference.
- PtTtyShell()
- Return the default user's shell
These functions are described in the Photon Widget Reference.
- PtWindowFocus()
- Give a window focus
- PtWindowGetState()
- Return the current state of a window
- PtWindowToBack()
- Move a window to the back of the workspace
- PtWindowToFront()
- Bring a window to the front and gives it focus
- PtDestroyWidget()
- Remove a widget from the widget hierarchy
- PtRealizeWidget()
- Initialize a widget and its children
- PtReRealizeWidget()
- Force a widget to unrealize and then rerealize itself
- PtUnrealizeWidget()
- Unrealize a widget
- PtWidgetIsRealized()
- Determine whether a widget is realized
- PtArg_t
- Which resource is affected when you get or set resources
- Pt_ARG()
- Macro for creating statically initialized argument lists
- PtGetControlFlags()
- Get the flags from the _Pt_ control structure
- PtGetResources()
- Retrieve one or more resource values for a widget
- PtSetArg()
- Build argument lists for widgets
- PtSetResources()
- Set one or more resources for a widget
- PtWidgetClassFlags()
- Retrieve a widget's class structure flags
- PtWidgetFlags()
- Retrieve a widget's flags
These functions are described in the Photon Widget Reference.
- RtTrendChangeData()
- Replace some samples for all trends
- RtTrendChangeTrendData()
- Replace some samples for one trend
- PtContainerHold()
- Prevent repairs to a container widget and its children
- PtContainerRelease()
- Decrement the hold count for a widget
- PtEndFlux()
- Decrement the global and container flux count
- PtFlush()
- Immediately repair widget damage
- PtHold()
- Prevent visible repair of all widgets
- PtRelease()
- Decrement the global widget hold count
- PtStartFlux()
- Prevent changes from being applied to a widget
- PtSyncPhoton()
- Synchronize Photon
- PtSyncWidget()
- Synchronize a widget
- PtUpdate()
- Decrement the global hold count
- PhWindowChange()
- Modify the attributes of a window's region
- PhWindowClose()
- Close a window
- PhWindowQueryVisible()
- Query a visible extent
- PhWindowOpen()
- Create a window region
- PtConsoleSwitch()
- Switch to another virtual console
- PtForwardWindowEvent()
- Forward a window event
- PtForwardWindowTaskEvent()
- Forward a window event to a task
- PtFrameSize()
- Estimate the size of the window frame
- PtWindowConsoleSwitch()
- Switch to the console a given window's displayed on
See also the list of
PtWindow convenience functions.